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“I haven’t. It’s more of a police matter now. John’s gone, and there’s no trace of him. I don’t think I’m going to see a cent of that money Mom left me. That bastard took everything. Every fucking thing. I’ve given up.”

“Don’t say that. I think something will turn up.”

“I don’t know. I don’t think so, to be honest.”

Her story always guts me to no end. Her evil stepfather got away with so much. It’s not fair. Her mother was an actress and left her everything when she died. Her stepfather stole it all.

She was only eighteen. Near enough the same age as me when Mom first got sick. When she eventually got money enough to pay for lawyers to fight him on it, he disappeared. No trace of him anywhere. I think he left the country and changed his name.

“You know, Paige, between you and me, I think he killed my mother. I really think he killed her, and he got exactly what he wanted.”

I suck in a breath. “Jesus, Megan, you think so?”

“My heart tells me so. I don’t have any evidence, but there were things that didn’t add up that I wasn’t satisfied with in terms of the investigation. A woman like her doesn’t just drop dead like that. She collapsed in front of me, and I was told she had an undiagnosed heart condition. It didn’t make sense.”

“You should do something about it.”

“What? No one can even find that bastard.” She shakes her head but then brightens up. “Look at us, we get good news and have to talk about the shit. Let’s forget the shit. You have your man, and I have a placement at UCLA. I’m going to be a therapist, and when I get back to Chicago, I’ll continue my training and open up my practice when the time’s right.” She nods her affirmation.

“We’ll be okay,” I agree, and I’m excited for the good stuff, but those were some dark things she mentioned. I know she’s not okay. How can she be? “Megan, if you find a way to investigate your mom’s death, please do it. Do it. There’s no harm in looking. It doesn’t matter if they can find your stepfather or not.”

“You’re right, and thanks. Come on, how about we grab a quick bite to eat? Are you seeing your man tonight?”

“I am.”

“Okay, let’s make it really quick.”

We get up to go, and she changes the subject by telling me about her night at the club.

I think about James and can’t wait to see him again.

I can’t believe he’s mine, and I hope this game is the type that can keep going as long as it has players, because I’m definitely game.

Tags: Faith Summers Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies Billionaire Romance