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“It was awesome. We’ve always loved Gansett. It’s great to have everyone here now, except for my brother Josh.”

“Where’s he?”

“In Virginia. We’re trying to get him to come to the island, but he’s dating someone there, and it’s going well.” She shrugged. “Six out of seven is pretty good.”

“I’d say so.” After he devoured three pieces of pizza to her one, he stretched his long legs out in front of him and crossed them at the ankles. “Tell me more about the others. I’ve met them, but I don’t know all the details.”

“Owen is the oldest. He’s married to Laura McCarthy. They have three kids, Holden, Jonathan and Joanna, and are now the owners of the Sand & Surf.”

“I love that place. The building is so unique.”

“It really is the coolest building on the island. Julia and Katie are next—they’re fraternal twins. Katie is married to Laura’s brother, Shane, and yes, that’s I’m still sure that’s legal,” she added with a teasing smile, recalling the night they’d discussed it at the bar.

“So you guys have told me, but I’m not convinced.”

“Most people question it when I tell them how my brother and sister married a brother and a sister. You know what’s so cool about it?”

“What’s that?”

“Their kids will be double cousins and genetic siblings.”

“Wow, that’s wild.”

“I know! Then there’s Julia, who’s an amazing singer and piano player.”

“She plays at Stephanie’s, right?”

“That’s her.”

“I’ve seen her a few times. She’s so talented. And her little dog is cute.”

“Pupwell. He’s the cutest. She’s living with and engaged to Deacon Taylor, the harbor master, and they’re deliriously happy. Next is me and then Josh, John and Jeff, who has a job in Tampa that starts in October.”

“Seven kids. That must’ve been fun.”

“It could be. At times.” Like when her dad had been deployed. “They’re my best friends.”

“You’re lucky to have them.”

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking when I said that.”

“It’s okay.” He placed his hand on top of hers as if it was perfectly routine for him to touch her. But if the way her body reacted to him touching her was any indication, there was nothing routine about it. “I love that they’re your best friends. Diana was a bit older than us, so we didn’t hang out much, but Jess was my best friend, until it all went so wrong.”

“I’m sorry that happened to you—and to him.”

“Me, too. We should both be married with kids, houses, mortgages, car payments, Sunday dinners with the parents.” He shrugged. “Living the dream.”

“Was he married, too?”

Jace nodded. “With a baby on the way that neither of us ever got to meet.”

“You could still live the dream, you know. It’s not too late.”

“You’re the second person to remind me of that.”

“How old are you?”

“Thirty. What about you?”

Tags: Marie Force Romance