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“I’m sure that’s a bitter pill, but you’re here now, and that’ll matter to them.”

“You have no idea what it means to me to be able to see them, even if it’s just as a friend.”

“I think I know. They’re great kids. I’d be bereft if I couldn’t see them every day.”

“You and Carolina are just what they need right now. I wouldn’t have had an answer as good as yours for Jackson.”

“I appreciate you saying so. They mean the world to us.”

“I understand this arrangement of ours is a lot to ask of you—”

“It was at first, before I had the chance to get to know you. I’m not losing any sleep over you anymore.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I wouldn’t want you to worry about me. I’m not going to disrupt their lives or yours, but I’m deeply grateful to be able to see them.”

“Their fall baseball league is starting up soon if you want to come to the games.”

“I’d love to. Thank you for asking me.”

“No problem. I’ll text you the schedule.”

“Thanks. Will they think it’s odd that a friend of yours is coming to their games?”

“I don’t think so. They like you. I could say I invited you to come, and that would be enough of an explanation for them.”

“Is it going to bite us both in the ass someday that we weren’t straight with them from the get-go?”

“I really hope not. I’m trusting my gut that this isn’t the right time to tell them the truth about you, so soon after their lives were upended. I hope I’m right about that.”

“I think you are. The truth will keep until they’re old enough to handle the full story about why I disappeared from their lives—and their mother’s.”

“Let’s hope we’re both right about that.”

Tags: Marie Force Romance