Page 28 of Manhandled

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“Good. Now get the fuck out of here before I change my mind and splatter your brains all over the dirt,” Bane said then.

“Yes, boss. Anything for you,” Blue replied, clearly still terrified.

Bane waved his hand and the guards released the blue alien crew. They raced back onto their ship, while several guards worked on disarming the bomb.

“See? I knew having an assistant would be useful,” Bane purred at me and I scoffed.

“You’re just saying that because I touched your cock,” I retorted, but I could help myself as I grinned back at him.

“Maybe,” he answered with a shrug before he turned his eyes back to me. Dark and full of promise. “You’ll do more than just touch it later, my little human.”

I shivered, aroused at his words, suppressing a laugh at the same time.

Yeah. I probably would.

* * *

The next several weekspassed by in a blur. I accompanied Bane on several more scheduled smuggling drop-offs as well as all around the city to visit local businesses so that Bane could collect his share of the profit. I learned more about the Syndicate’s operation here, and how he provided many different products to various people throughout the entire planet. I saw more of Dryac than I had ever seen before, from the nicest, most upstanding neighborhoods to the sleaziest alleyways and bars, but Bane never left my side. With his presence alone, no one thought to even touch me. It was liberating in a sense.

As his assistant, I was both his eyes and ears. His business associates constantly underestimated me for a dumb, ditzy half-naked human female, but I was able to pick up on many things Bane hadn’t been able to before, like when his associates tried to undercut his profits and keep a larger share for themselves. I even stopped an assassination attempt from one of the Association’s planted allies. Bane paid me very well for the help I gave him, and I was able to start consistently transferring credits into my family’s account on a more regular basis. It was good work and I enjoyed it.

I began to grow more comfortable with each passing day. The more time we spent together, the more I craved being around him and the more I began to care about him. Beneath his dark, gritty exterior, he was actually a kind man with a quiet sense of justice and understanding. He showed his nature time and time again, from freeing a starving child from a brutal sentence of hard labor for thievery to ensuring that the women who sold themselves on the street did it for themselves, and not for any man who claimed to own them. I even saw him slip bread and sweets to the homeless families on the street from time to time. He pretended that he didn’t, that he was big and tough, but I saw it all.

I began to genuinely like him, far more than I thought I would.

I looked forward to our nights and mornings together in the privacy of his home. When I was with him then, I felt like I was the only one in the world. He’d look at me, his eyes bright with both admiration and control. He was an incredibly dominant man and I liked that.

He kept me entirely naked most of the time so that he could enjoy my body whenever he pleased. I craved those moments when he would trace his fingers across my shoulder and push my hair to one side, revealing the tender flesh of my throat and then kiss me there, causing a shiver to race down my spine. Or when he would gently take me over his knees and spank me before telling me to lie down and spread my legs for him. Sometimes he would fuck my pussy and other times he’d take only my ass, but every night I would end up sore, spent, and sated, cuddled into his embrace. We’d fall asleep in each other’s arms and then the next morning, we’d enjoy coffee in bed together, all served by the cylindrical robot that I had named Nate.

For once, life was glorious.

It was so wonderful. Too wonderful and I kept waiting for something to go wrong, for my handler to return and for the Association to steal me back into their clutches once more. My life had always been a series of difficult events and I had no doubt that sometime soon, it was all going to go to shit.

I figured that I’d enjoy our time together while I had the chance. So, I did just that and the more I relished each day, the more my heart began to beat for him.

One morning, the two of us were enjoying a hot cup of coffee and a panicked knock pounded on the bedroom door. I pulled the comforter up around my chest, covering my nakedness. I looked at him with a measure of annoyance and he sighed.

“They only interrupt me when it’s urgent,” he grunted, before climbing out of the bed stark naked. He answered the door that way, without a care in the world. The hinge squeaked just a little as it opened, and I peered around him to see who had come and disturbed us.


“Sir. I’ve just received word from the Association. Apparently, Credare received your message loud and clear. He wants to meet and discuss a potential alliance between the Syndicate and the Association,” the guard said, his voice shaking a bit with nervousness.

“How soon is he arriving?” Bane asked, his tone suddenly serious.

“This afternoon. Only a few hours from now,” the guard replied.

“Fuck. That’s not enough time,” Bane growled. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, clenching and unclenching his fists as he tried to come up with a plan. Finally, he sighed and began to speak once more.

“Ready the property down the street. Get it cleaned and prepare the sitting room for a meeting. Post guards throughout the neighborhood, some clothed, others undercover. I don’t care what it costs. Ensure everyone is armed,” he said as he grabbed a pair of khaki-colored pants and slipped them on. He continued to give the guard directions as he pulled on a gray button-up shirt over his shoulders. Finally, when he was done, he turned back to me.

“Get dressed and meet me down in the kitchen. You need to eat some breakfast,” he said. I just stared at him, almost dumbfounded.

I knew things had been going too well.

My small jaunt of freedom was coming to an end. As soon as Credare realized I was here—if he didn’t already know, that is—he’d either kill me, kill my family, or make an example of me in some heinous fashion. I shivered, terrified.

“Cara, I’m not going to let him touch you,” he declared confidently.

Tags: Sara Fields Erotic