Page 27 of Manhandled

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Convinced that they were sufficiently distracted, I made my way over to Bane and came up behind him. I dragged my palm down his back and around his waist, then across his hip until I cupped his cock in my palm.

I gripped it roughly, leaned in, and whispered in his ear.

“Black crate. Something’s wrong with that one,” I said quietly, and he moaned in response.

“Fucking hell, human. Later,” he answered, his voice loud enough for everyone to hear and I knew my ploy had worked. I squeezed his dick once more defiantly and he groaned, very clearly aroused.

“Want me to spank you here in front of everyone, naughty girl?” he said next and all the blue men laughed.

“I’d like to see that,” Eyebrows replied.

Fat fucking chance, buddy. Keep it in your pants.

The overweight bearded blue alien came forward. He was probably the captain then. I watched him closely from beneath my lashes, catching his nervous tics as he glanced toward the crates and then back at Bane.

Bane bantered with him back and forth for a while, before he handed over a slim piece of plastic.

“Untraceable credits. Available immediately upon deposit,” Bane said.

Blue Beard nodded and I saw a twinge of relief pass over him. Bane walked away and the two men parted. Once Bane reached the guards though, he paused.

“Seize everyone and inspect the cargo. Pay particular attention to the black crate,” he said softly, and his guards surged forward.

Bane turned back toward the blue men then, all of whom had been detained by Syndicate guards at just his word.

“You’ve been a loyal smuggler of mine for some time. You wouldn’t try to pass one over on me, Blue, would you?” Bane said, his voice dripping with a blatant warning.

So his name was Blue. Huh.

Well, that was unoriginal.

Blue trembled slightly, his arms held behind his back, but he stayed silent. His eyes anxiously flicked from the black crate and back and he struggled, trying to break free from the Syndicate guard who had captured him.

One guard walked over to the crate and unlatched it, slowly lifting the top to reveal what was inside. I tensed, leaning forward as I tried to see what it was.

“It’s an armed bomb, sir,” the guard declared, and Bane shook his head.

“This isn’t like you, Blue. I know you better than that. You know what betrayal of this caliber means,” Bane murmured, his tone hard and dangerous. He pulled his gun from his hip, the very one I’d tried to shoot him with and failed. He cocked the weapon and curled his forefinger around the trigger, adjusting it in his palm as he did so. Blue shook hard, and I swore I could see his life passing before his eyes at that very moment.

“Please. It wasn’t me. They threatened my daughter,” Blue cried out. He was clearly terrified and scant seconds away from tears.

“Who? Be specific or else I’ll ensure that you never leave here alive,” Bane demanded.

“It was Credare. He intercepted my usual smuggling route; somehow knew I was on my way to you and forced me to take on that crate and told me I had to deliver it straight to you, personally,” Blue explained. He looked just about ready to piss himself, he was so scared.

Bane walked up to him and pressed the gun underneath his chin.

“You’re telling me the truth, Blue?”

The blue man nodded enthusiastically.

“Please. Have mercy, boss,” he begged. After a tense, prolonged moment, Bane withdrew his weapon and sighed.

“Disarm the bomb and have it taken apart for scrap metal,” Bane instructed his guards. “As for you, Blue, consider yourself fucking lucky because now you get to do something for me. You’re going to let Credare that I got his message loud and clear and that if he wants to meet to discuss his encroachment on my shipping routes, he better come here and tell me himself. Oh. And get your daughter somewhere safe, for fucking god’s sake,” he bellowed.

Blue trembled and nodded his head.

“Anything else I need to know?” Bane pressed and Blue shook his head.

Tags: Sara Fields Erotic