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Raythe must have sensed my uneasiness, and his expression turned serious. He angled his body backward, leaving an opening for me to enter and I walked in the door into his chambers. I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and turned, seeing the rest of my comrades walking through the door behind me as well.

“Have you searched your rooms recently for taps?” I asked, my voice low.

“Yes. We’re in the clear. I checked last night when I got back,” he replied.

“What’s going on, Zaavyr?” Coltan asked, his expression curious, but laced with concern.

“There’s more to our human’s story than it may appear,” I said softly as I sat down in Raythe’s front sitting room. Jax narrowed his eyes, his gaze shifting toward Raythe with a quiet sense of confusion.

“Welcome, gentlemen,” Raythe said. “Take a seat and let’s chat about whatever is on your mind.”

“Thank you, Raythe.” I paused while I sat back. “I’m sure you’ve heard the name Kira Stryke. An Earth human the Vakarrans have had trouble with before?” I said in return, leaning forward and placing my elbows on my knees.

“I have,” he said, studying my gaze.

“We captured her. Only, as I’ve come to find out, there’s more to her story than I originally bargained for. You have a human in your possession that may know a bit more about her,” I said, watching his expression as I continued.

“You mean Nadia, don’t you,” he replied.

“I do. Do you think we can speak to her?” I asked, sensing a bit of rising tension in my friend. His stance grew protective. He cared for her.

“Under your supervision of course. I only want to talk to her. Anything we discuss would be strictly confidential. You know me, Raythe. I’ve always been a loyal friend,” I continued.

He visibly relaxed then, although I sensed he was still a bit wary. Rising to his feet, he nodded in my direction.

“I’ll get her. I was letting her rest, due to the fact I kept her up rather late,” he replied.

He left the room, and a few moments later, returned with a slightly pregnant, petite dark-haired woman. Her almond-shaped eyes looked nervous and she moved closer to Raythe. By her body language, I could see that she trusted him, but she was careful. She was naked, but he allowed her to pick up a blanket and cover herself. Something that was never seen in public. A human would never be allowed such a luxury. Raythe held my gaze, his jawline tense, seeing if I would react.

I didn’t. I ignored it. After a long moment, Raythe visibly relaxed and I did as well.

“Hi, Nadia. I’m Zaavyr,” I began. She lifted her eyes to meet mine, still wary.

“I’m not here to hurt you or scare you. Raythe is my friend and comrade, and I care for him immensely. I just want to ask you a few questions about where you come from. Is that okay?” I opened, careful to be non-confrontational as possible. I wasn’t used to deferring so much to a human, but if it gave me more information about Kira, I was willing to do what I needed to do.

Nadia tilted her head, surprised at my respectful demeanor. She had probably never had another Vakarran speak to her in such a manner before. She looked at Raythe for a moment, before he nodded toward her, giving her permission to proceed.

“Yes, sir,” she replied, her posture deferential and submissive. She sat down on Raythe’s knee then and he wrapped his arms around her.

“It’s been a long time since you were taken from Earth, but do you by chance remember the name Kira Stryke?” I asked.

A glimmer of suspicion rose in her eyes and she paused. I swallowed a chuckle. So Raythe had a rebel on his hands as well.

“It’s important, Nadia. I want to assure you that any information you tell me will remain confidential to the men in this room,” I continued, and she bit her lip.

“Tell them, Nadia. If you don’t, you and I are going to have a very long discussion about obeying your master after they leave,” Raythe warned and I saw her visibly shiver.

After a long moment, she finally nodded in my direction.

“Yes. I knew a woman named Kira. She was only about eighteen when I left Earth,” she began.

“How many people lived in the group, Nadia?” I asked. She stilled but continued to answer.

“About fifty or so. Mostly women, a few men,” she said.

“What’s the purpose of the group? Is it rebellion?”

“No. Not when I was with them. Mainly survival. Just living free from the rule of the Vakarrans,” she answered, clutching the blanket closer to her chest.

Tags: Sara Fields Vakarran Captives Erotic