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She’d been reluctant and had denied her desires, but the telltale evidence of her arousal had been utterly clear. She liked being mastered, liked it when it hurt. I’d watched her eyes as they rolled back in her head in ecstasy, as her wetness had poured from her delectable pussy. Even when Jax had whipped her ass with his belt, she couldn’t hide the whimpers and moans of desire from me. I knew she liked it. She just didn’t want to admit it to herself, or anyone else.

When I had put the plug inside her for the first time, it had confirmed everything I had already seen. There was a submissive woman hiding beneath her skin, but still, I knew she was like no one else. Even fully trained, I had a feeling that Kira would still be as strong, confident, and independent as she was on her own back on Earth.

I was proud to have captured such a prize, along with the help of my men.

Leaning back in my bed, I closed my eyes as Coltan climbed into his own. For now, we each had our own bed, but once Kira began to prove herself trustworthy, I’d see to it that we would buy a much bigger bed with enough room for the five of us. She’d have to try not to kill us or try to escape from us though.

I had a feeling that would take quite a bit of time.

I took a deep breath and turned onto my side, as the tendrils of sleep began to claim me. We’d come up with a plan in the morning. We would conquer Kira. She would never defeat us.

* * *

The next morning, the lights turned on at the usual time, a feature of the space station in order to keep us all on similar circadian rhythms. After years of military training, I was used to waking up early and so were my comrades. The four of us stirred, but Kira didn’t.

We decided as a group to let her sleep a while longer, and Coltan quietly threw a blanket over the cage in order to darken the inside, to calm her in case she woke.

I showered and checked in with the security systems online, observing where other battalions were currently stationed, both on Earth and in other planetary systems. Everything on Earth’s surface seemed relatively quiet for the most part.

Even in the sector of land there where we captured Kira seemed quiet.

Almost too much so.

I’d always wondered if she’d survived alone or survived with a group. Sitting back, I crossed my arms and racked over all the information I’d studied before her capture. I’d only looked at the past five years or so though, when she’d first popped up on our radar.

Pressing a few strokes into my virtual keyboard, my transparent glass screen lit up as I searched the area for anomalies in the last ten to fifteen years. The land was heavily forested and most of what I found in my search results were simply animal movements that had triggered our surveillance satellites, but buried deep in the list, I found a few intriguing results.

Mainly, one particular name popped up that grabbed my attention.

Another Earth human by the name of Nadia. According to her records, she was captured less than a mile from where we had pinpointed Kira. To my surprise, when I looked a bit further into the data files, I found out that she was here on the ship as well, having been in Vakarran custody for the last seven years. Huh. Interesting.

I was going to have to make a detour today before returning to Kira’s training sessions.

I rolled through the c

amera footage and looked for any more anomalies. I was surprised to find glimpses of human faces here and there. Our security scans hadn’t picked up on it either, meaning no one other than myself had looked for anything there. I moved in, closer to the screen, then. Analyzing. Thinking. Studying.

When I looked through the screen captures more meticulously, I recognized that most of the faces were different. There weren’t just one or two humans living outside the Vakarran territory, but a group of them. Shit.

I sat back and took a deep breath.

There were more rebels hidden in the forest. An entire segment of them and we hadn’t known a thing about it. No one knew about it, except me.

Going back to Nadia’s file then, I found her current station on the ship and breathed a sigh of relief. She was under the training of one of my lifelong friends, my comrade Raythe.

Using my mind, I reached out and told Jax, Coltan, and Aedan to meet me outside Raythe’s chambers. I shut down my intercom device, left my office, and went in the direction of Raythe’s apartment.

We’d met during a previous conquest mission on the planet Sozaria, where we’d taken over and claimed another similar humanoid race back when I had first been conscripted into the army, a usual practice in our world. Since then, we’d climbed our way up the ranks of the Vakarran military. I considered him a trusted friend. I knew he was on leave from a previous mission and that he should be around his chambers, if not somewhere else on the ship. I’d contact him in person; this kind of information was not safe to share over data lines.

His apartment wasn’t far from mine and it took only about five minutes for me to reach it.

I knocked on his door. A minute or two later, I heard movement inside and the steel door opened, and he smiled in my direction upon finding me waiting.

“Raythe! Good to see you,” I said, and he grinned.

“Zaavyr,” he replied. “Long time no see!”

“It has been, hasn’t it? Mind if I come in? I have something I’d like to discuss with you. The rest of my battalion is coming up as well, if that’s alright,” I began, looking away down the hallway, making sure no one else was around while also looking for my men.

Tags: Sara Fields Vakarran Captives Erotic