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“A few more hours. She’s going to need a good meal. That was a lot for her, especially since she’d been a virgin this morning.”

I lifted my head in alarm.

What the hell? Maybe I was going crazy, but I could have sworn those voices sounded in my head. Coltan and Zaavyr were talking about me, discussing my fate between them.

I licked my dry lips, wishing for more water. I looked around, realizing that someone had opened all the walls of the tent, leaving me on display, naked and marked for anyone passing by to see. I gritted my teeth a

nd raised my chin.

I could handle anything.

Even this.

I’d grow stronger because of this. I knew it could have been worse. Although I was embarrassed and ashamed of taking my pleasure so publicly, it had made the entire experience bearable. It pained me to admit it, but there was something intriguing about being taken by all four men. Even now, my thighs quivered with the memory.

“I don’t care what Strohass thinks. I want to go get her now,” Aedan’s voice sounded in my head. His tone was angry, fierce and bolder than I had been used to.

“You know we can’t. If we get her now, Veghar is going to run and tell Strohass and that’ll put us in a dangerous position. She has to stay until nightfall. We can care for her then. We don’t have a choice,” Jax responded. He sounded thoughtful, strategic, and rather reluctant when he replied to Aedan.

I looked around, confused.

Yeah, that was definitely in my head.

That was totally fucking weird.

I sighed, hanging in my bonds. I let my eyes drift around, looking out as naked women were led around by their owners. It made my stomach rumble with anger. I imagined how my sisters would feel if they were in my position, how I’d want to kill any man that laid a hand on them. I would never stand to see such a thing. I’d kill any Vakarran who touched a single one of my sisters.

I saw Zaavyr and Coltan walking out of their tent in my direction, and to my annoyance, my sore pussy clenched with arousal in anticipation of their arrival. Even more frustrating, I could feel myself growing wet. What the hell? What the fuck was wrong with me?

In Coltan’s hands was a glass of water and I licked my lips. It was around dinnertime and my stomach growled angrily at not getting any food all day. I was silent as they entered and approached me.

Coltan lifted the glass and I took a long drink from the offered straw. Zaavyr offered me a bite of cheese hidden in his palm and I accepted it greedily. I knew that I needed to keep up my strength, especially if I ever wanted to escape.

They didn’t say anything to me nor I to them for a long time. They studied me, taking the time to stare at the glittery spots on my skin that marked me with their claim, even running a finger over my tender flesh. I shivered then.

For some insane reason, their touch electrified my skin, almost like a lightning bolt that went straight to my pussy. My body felt like it was on fire.

I swallowed heavily and tried to hide the trembling in my limbs and nearly whined in dismay as my nipples hardened in front of me. I saw their eyes drop to stare at my breasts and I bit my lip in embarrassment.

Thankfully, they didn’t say anything. Their perusal of my body was shameful enough. Zaavyr allowed me to eat a few more bites of cheese before they turned and left me.

The rest of the day passed slowly, hour by hour, minute by dreadfully long minute. All I could do was ponder my fate in the hands of the Vakarrans, wondered if they would hurt me, torture me, or take me against my will. A chilly breeze raced through the tent and my nipples peaked. I shivered and watched as the sun began to set and the world darkened around me. Shadows drifted longer and longer until finally, nighttime took a hold of the camp.

With the advent of the dark, my four captors came to take me back into their custody. Jax unbuckled the cuffs that held my wrists and I cried out as the blood came rushing back into my shoulders, my skin prickling as tendrils of pain shot down my arms.

Jax and Aedan both took a hold of my shoulders and began to massage my aching muscles. Their grips were firm and demanding, helping to guide the pain away. In no time at all, I groaned in relief as my limbs began to feel normal once again.

Coltan took me in his arms then and Zaavyr ran a comforting hand over the top of my head. Despite my want to hate them all, I couldn’t. I curled my arms around Coltan’s neck and allowed him to carry my naked body out of the circus tent and back into their own.

In a corner I hadn’t noticed before was a massive copper tub, filled with steaming hot water. I can’t remember the last time I’d seen such luxury. It looked positively decadent. Coltan placed me down before it.

“Bathe yourself, Kira,” Zaavyr said. “You’ll have to go back in your cage for the night, but that can’t be avoided. If you need help, just ask and one of us will assist you.”

“I can fucking bathe myself, thank you very much,” I thought with dismay and a sudden bout of anger.

All four men jerked in my direction.

“What did you say?” Zaavyr replied, his voice a mixture of anger, surprise, and confusion.

Tags: Sara Fields Vakarran Captives Erotic