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I hung my head, my breasts crusted with both dry and wet cum.

I felt so ashamed. Humiliated.

Aedan was the only one left.

He moved behind me, and I shuddered. He was the only one who made me nervous. I didn’t know what he would do. Last night he had been rough, threatened to beat me and I had stood strong against him. He gripped my bottom cheeks in his fingers and spread me.

Keening with embarrassment, I tried to hide my face in my arm.

His thumb drifted over my bottom hole and I clenched, the intrusion unexpected, humiliating. He let go of me then and I heard the telltale signs of the unbuckling of his slacks. He grabbed my hips from behind and lifted me. Then, he slid into my pussy with little effort and I whimpered slightly. He fucked me hard from behind and I made the mistake of opening my eyes to see the crowd before me. All eyes were trained on me, some sad, some jealous and others mildly sympathetic, others strangely fearful.

His fingers drifted backward again, down the cleft of my ass and on top of my tight rim. Using my rampant arousal, he began to press the tip of his thumb against my bottom hole and my face flushed hot.

He couldn’t mean to. He wouldn’t.

I kicked and fought, but his thumb was relentless. In and out, his digit probed me, and my body responded hotly.

I cried out loud, the sound a confusing mixture of embarrassment and arousal.

Aedan’s hips slammed into mine, over and over. He took me hard and fast, while his digit worked my bottom and I felt my release bubbling up all over again. I tried to fight it, didn’t want to shame myself in front of all these women again, but it was useless.

My orgasm shattered me completely, breaking me into a million little pieces and I hung limply in my bonds. I felt Aedan pull free from my greedy pussy and his cum splashed across my lower back and the curves of my ass. He didn’t say a word as he placed my legs back on the ground.

I swayed.

The men stood at the side of the stage, together, all four of them watching me.

The silence was overwhelming. My humiliation complete. The Vakarrans had made an example of me, that much was clear. I hung my head, staring at the ground.

“Let that be a lesson to you ladies. Should you ever betray your masters, the same will happen to all of you. You’ll be publicly punished and used by the masters of the camp. Now, back to training with the lot of you. Go,” Captain Veghar said, his tone harsh and commanding.

There was movement all around me as the women were funneled out of the tent.

I didn’t have the energy to lift my head. Even my balance was off, as I swayed back and forth. I hung by my wrists, my whole body numb, still shaking with residual tremors of pleasure.

Exhausted, I shut my eyes, distinctly aware of the drying cum cracking over my skin. I felt slick with sweat, smelling the mixture of my own arousal with theirs.

Zaavyr walked over to me, holding a cup with a straw to my lips. My sound of thanks was simply a raw moan, my voice cracking.

The water was cold, ice cold and soothing as it slid down my throat.

His large palm curled around my face.

“You’re to stay here till nightfall when I will come retrieve you. You are not permitted to speak, or bathe until nightfall. I want you to think about what you’ve done and how this wouldn’t have happen had you submitted to your Vakarran masters in the first place.”

I nodded, unable to formulate a brave and courageous response.

They left me alone then. Completely alone, covered and marked with cum. Used, but not broken. I would never be broken.

It took me some time, but I eventually gathered myself. It took a long time for the passionate aftershocks of my orgasms to fade away and despite my efforts not to, I felt myself drift off to sleep from time to time.

When I awoke some time later, I lifted my head, convinced I’d heard something. My skin tingled beneath the markings of dried liquid. I looked down at my breasts and was surprised to see glittery patches across my skin.

What the hell was that?

I moved and shook my body a little bit, but the patches of skin continued to sparkle. I studied my pale flesh, remarking that there was much less dried cum there than I had expected. There had been a lot more when they had left me a few hours ago.

“How long do we have to wait to get her?”

Tags: Sara Fields Vakarran Captives Erotic