Page 24 of Snow's Storm

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Holy shit. Snow kissed me. Yesterday was the best day, with good food and kisses from the two people I care about more than anything in the world. We fell asleep wrapped up together, all smiles.

But today is going to be hell.

Today, the crew starts to arrive, and everyone else will be here tomorrow.

“You look pissed,” Shane says as he hands me a cup of coffee and flips the bacon.

“Just thinking.” I lean against the kitchen counter and take a sip of the caffeinated brew.

“It won’t be so bad. I think you’re overthinking.”

“I agree,” Snow says, plating eggs. They have a rhythm in the kitchen, and I like watching.

“Maybe I am.”

“I did have an idea, though.” Snow hands me a plate of eggs and toast.

“Yeah?” I ask, taking a sip of coffee.

“I found a small cemetery. Family plot,” Shane clarifies. “Goes back years.”

“Looks pretty scary. If Shane and Serafina say it’s okay, you should use it for the meeting ceremony.”

“I like that idea,” Shane says. “I’ll call Sera, but I’m sure she will be fine with it.”

“Sal told the contestants to wear costumes,” I grumble.

“So, lots of skin and women in sexy lingerie trying to pull it off as a costume?” Snow snorts.

“Maybe I liked it better when you were shy,” I mumble teasingly.

“Well, I’m turning over a new leaf.” She shifts her gaze to me with a smile.

Shane kisses her head and sets some bacon on her plate and then mine. And in a truce, she hands me a piece of hers.

“You’re forgiven,” I tell her, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

“I know.”

There is already activity outside, trailers pulling up, and crews.

Sal sweeps in. “Oh, good, you’re here.”

“Where else would I be?” I ask.

“The gym,” he deadpans.

“Okay, you got me.”

Sal directs his attention to the cook. “Shane, welcome back BBQ?”

“We’re good, Sal. We will start setting up in a bit, and food will be done by noon. Memphis, Silas, and Axel will be helping. Tobias and Diego will stop by to clean up. My staff won’t show up until tomorrow.”

“Snow had an idea.” I interject.

Tags: Cedar Rose Erotic