Page 144 of Fighting For Her Love

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I’m sure my Rose liked my hands on her. Did I read it wrong? I stopped when she asked me to. I just like to rile Kingston up. I just think she’s playing innocent. Why doesn’t she remember? She needs to remember, Thorn as well. I do know that after tomorrow she will be mine.


Morning comes too soon. I wake up and slip out of bed quietly, so I don’t wake her. Quickly showering and dressing in sweats since I’ll be changing into shorts later. I turn on the coffee pot and order various breakfast dishes. I then text everyone to ensure they’re up. Most of the responses were they couldn’t sleep. I can relate. I tossed and turned all night.

My mom says she’s on her way up as is Thorn, everyone else just said they’d meet me at the arena.

“How is she?” my mom asks when I let her and Thorn in. They rode the same elevator up.

“I don’t know. She’s still sleeping,” I reply.

“I can only imagine what she went through, is going through. But she has the both of you to help her through it.”

“Thanks,” I pour cups of coffee for us as we wait for Remo and Tristan to join us. They pop out just as the food arrives. It warms my heart to see my mom hug Remo. We found out last night that his divorce was final, but my mom still loves him like a son.

“She thinks all of this is her fault. I feel bad,” I tell her.

“We know it’s not,” Dante saunters into the suite, stealing a piece of my mom’s bacon.

“Get your own,” she scolds him, “How’d you even get in?”

“I gave him a key,” I reply.

“Oh, all right then. Continue,” she says with a smile.

“We all know this isn’t her fault or yours. It was a matter of time before Lane showed his true colors. If it wasn’t her, it would be someone else. It could have been Piper or Tana. We don’t know,” Dante says.

“I wouldn’t let any of the others fight Lane. They’re not ready. The weird thing is he keeps saying he knows her,” I reply.

“It’s not just about you. You take a lot on by yourself. We all care about you and Briar. She is one of the family. And we all know now that Lane isn’t right in the head, maybe he thinks he knows her,” mom says.

“Thanks. And thanks for everything else too,” meaning the wedding.

“I can’t wait for her to see her dress,” my mom gushes.

“Shhh, she doesn’t know and hopefully she’s still sleeping,” I say.

“Kingston, what are you going to do about the fight?” Dante asks.

“What do you mean?”

“Briar, is she coming?”

“I don’t want her to be there, but if she wants to come I won’t stop her. Besides, Vik has some men on her.”

“And me,” Aiden strolls in.

“Took you long enough,” I huff.

“Sorry, I was putting my house up for sale, but that’s a discussion for another time. Where is Briar?”

“Long story, but Lane hurt her yesterday,” Thorn seethes.

“What the fuck?”

“Yeah. Anyways, she’s sleeping,” I say but that doesn’t stop Aiden from going to check on her. I let it go. Everyone loves Briar and is worried.

Tags: Cedar Rose Erotic