Page 126 of Fighting For Her Love

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Both men are fierce. This fight could go either way.


I have a chance to talk to her and I lead with something about walking her through the fight. I am lame. I wish Remo wasn’t here but can’t help that. What would I do if I was alone with her? Nothing because she’s with King. I am so lame. I feel like I can’t talk around her. I lose all ability to make words. All I can do is watch her as she watches the fight. God, she’s gorgeous.


Aiden lunges at me and I jump back before his fist could really do any damage. Still hurt like a mother though.

I duck and swing upwards with my left, connecting with Aiden’s jaw but he just stumbles back. He comes back at me with a combo, successfully hitting me in the face and gut. Fuck, that hurt.

I jump back and try to kick his legs out, but he counters connecting with the side of my head and I stumble into the cage. All right, mother fucker.

I push off, throwing a kick to his stomach and then I let loose, swinging until I hit something. I know it’s not the tactical way to do it but I’m kind of pissed right now.

Soon, Aiden slumps to the ground and the ref calls it a knockout.

“Fucker,” I kneel beside Aiden.

“Sorry, had to make it look good. But it was all you, buddy. I was going to give it to you, but you did it without me giving in,” he says.

“Winner, Kingston Storm,” the announcer raises my hand, and everyone cheers. I storm out of the cage, heading for the box. I want my congratulatory kiss.

“Man, that was awesome,” Caleb falls in behind me with Thorn and Piper.

“Thanks, Caleb,” I say, throwing open the door. I stalk to Briar, picking her up and kissing the fuck out of her.

“Congratulations, champ,” she grins when I set her down.

“So, I get my reward?” I wink.

“Guess you’ll have to find out later,” she chuckles.

We make our way down to my dressing room and I step in to shower real quick.

I step behind the dressing divider to put my clothes on.

“Dante, we need to start thinking about Vegas,” I say as I throw my sweats back on.

“I think we can swing it for as soon as you want. Probably better to get it over with and get Lane behind bars,” Dante says.

“Yeah. Sounds like the best strategy. He agreed?”

“Yes, he did. Such a dumbass,” Dante mumbles.

“Good. I’ll arrange travel and rooms for everyone,” I reply, stepping out from behind the divider.

“I will see if I can get it at the MGM. I’ll let you know,” Dante says.


“Proud of you, Kingston,” he claps my back as we head out front to meet the others.

“Thanks, Uncle,” I say.

“See you back in the gym at home,” Dante leaves as we find the others. Some of the cameras find me and I do give a few interviews before ushering everyone into cars and heading for the hotel.

Aiden is waiting for us in the lobby when we get back to the hotel. He must have skipped out on interviews. Sneaky bastard.

Tags: Cedar Rose Erotic