Page 122 of Fighting For Her Love

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We went to see Wicked. It was good, I loved the songs. I’d never heard of it since I hardly watched TV. I read the book and loved it. I know I’ve been living under a rock up until now. I appreciate Kingston helping me try new things.

Today, he took us to Coney Island. I laughed as the guys acted like little kids, running around, playing games. I am happy that Thorn is able to experience things like this.

“You look content,” Viktor joins me on the bench I’m sitting on, underneath a heat lamp while the guys shoot darts at balloons.

“I am,” I say as he hands me a cup of hot chocolate and I thank him.

“I haven’t seen King this happy in a long time,” he replies and I turn to watch King and Thorn high five. That makes me smile.

“I have a favor to ask of you,” I hedge, not sure I have any room to ask for favors. I’m not technically family.

“Your parents?”

“Yes, and a man. He would be a man now. There was a boy that lived next door. We were the same age and he would show Thorn MMA moves and bring us food. He had his own problems and yet he would show us love. He was kind and I was sad when he left. I want to make sure he’s okay,” I say.

“Do you have a name?”

“Lennon is his first name. I can’t remember the last name. I can text you the address,” I reply.

“That will help. It should only take a week,” he says, getting up to throw away his cup.

“Thank you,” I reply, doing the same.

“It’s not a favor, though. I’m doing this because you’re going to be family and I know what it’s like to grow up with nothing,” he says before strolling off. Sometimes, he’s a strange man.

“Ready to go?” King wraps his arms around me, warming me up.

“Yep, Aiden is waiting,” I say, smiling.

“He is,” he replies, signaling for the others to follow. We grab an Uber to Aiden’s. This time, no threatening phone calls.

Aiden greets us at the door.

“Snacks galore, fights on in the living room,” he says upon opening the door.

“Food!” Holden takes off for the table Aiden has set up.

“You’d think we don’t feed him,” King shakes his head, flopping down on the couch.

“I’ll take your coats,” Aiden helps me and Piper out of our coats and hangs them up in a closet.

“There will also be fireworks later,” Aiden says as he takes a seat next to King on the couch.

I watch the screen a little bit and realize it’s Aiden and King fighting. I watch for a few minutes and have to admit that King is good. I’m still a little nervous but I think he will do just fine.

Piper and I sit in the hot tub as some of the others swim.

“It’s nice of Aiden to invite us over and buy us suits,” Piper says.

“He and King are friends,” I say, laughing when Caleb belly flops.

“He’s going to be hurting later,” Piper says, laughing.

“Yep,” I agree with a nod.

“Briar, ready to head home? It’s getting late,” King comes to find me.

Tags: Cedar Rose Erotic