Page 18 of Maybe Hiring

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I briefly wondered what he meant by suggesting it might be in my best interest to run from him, but I didn’t dwell on it for long. He was a fire burning bright and hot beneath my skin. Of course that was dangerous. The thought of his gorgeous cock hard for me made my insides clench.

I glanced over my shoulder at my ass, lush and round in my light blue panties. They were nothing fancy, a little cotton with a lace band, but my ass had a great shape in them. I smacked it a bit, appreciating the jiggle and imagining his face if he was the one doing the smacking. I never felt like this about my body. He made me crazy.

Draping my white duvet over my legs, I posed as if someone was pulling it off me. I took a few pictures from different angles, finding one that framed the swell of my hips and ass in an alluring shape. Attaching the picture to an email, I typed out a message.

I'm not sure I'm ready to end this myself. All of this mutual desire has me feeling incredible. And there is another problem... If I wanted to meet soon, it wouldn't be for what I originally asked for. I would like to date you. I hope you realize your wit and cock won me over and tied me in knots. Tell me now if that doesn't work for you. I will understand.

-Tied Up and Tantalized

I stood up from my bed, going to my window to look at the view of the darkened block. Street lights dotted the sidewalk, and some windows were lit, but most weren’t. This wasn’t NY, and people actually slept here. I pressed my head against the cool glass, waiting for his response to come. I thought over the interactions we had. The tingling need he sparked within me pulsed between my thighs. The embarrassment I brought on myself made my cheeks hot and my panties wet.

I hoped desperately he’d be interested in more than fucking me once. I wasn’t looking for commitment necessarily, and I still didn’t think poorly of casual sex, though I learned a lot from my experience with Tyler. Even if there was no genuine connection, I required a base level of trust for anyone I slept with. I had to be more careful about who I gave my unguarded self to.

I didn’t need lasting love, and I wouldn’t know what to do with it anyway. My father was a mystery to me, and my mother and I were far from close. I did not know what it meant to have someone close to me, to care about me that way, but I had to know him.

A man walked down the street, and I observed him intently. When he stopped and glanced up, I hoped for a moment it was my mystery man. Of course it wasn’t and the man most likely wasn’t looking at me, only at the building. I was letting the intrigue get inside my head, and was far too worked up and deprived to be deciding anything. I glimpsed the time on my phone. His response still hadn’t come and the fear that he was cleverly wording his rejection gripped my throat. I metaphorically slammed my cards on the table, ready to do whatever I needed to.

My name is Claire, by the way.

The notification came a moment later.


The thought of you in knots is incredibly sexy. I'd be happy to tie you in some or bend you into them, whichever you prefer. As for not wanting only casual sex anymore, I'm not sure what to say. I don't know what I want, and I don't know you well enough to say for certain.

From your emails and what I've seen in person, it would thrill me to take you on a date. It's always your choice if you want to sleep with someone or not. I would never force you into anything that made you uncomfortable, in or out of the bedroom. Though I would love to force you to behave while I fucked you.

Give me a chance and I'll offer you one too. Let me take you to dinner and we'll see how things go. I'm not ruling anything out, and neither should you.


My stomach tightened in such a delicious excruciating way, my toes curled with the intensity. There was nothing that I had to do this week, except get a new job and figure out my life’s purpose. I could possibly find a new position tomorrow and be on to better things.

I'm free tomorrow. Meet me for dinner at 7?

-Claire (555)-964-8989

A text came in a few minutes later.

Mason: Alessandro's on 3rd, 7pm, I can't wait.

I wasn’t sure exactly how we went from holding off on meeting to meeting tomorrow, but the prospect thrilled me. He was so bossy and sometimes it irritated me, but mostly it made me want to obey. I squirmed thinking of all the ways I’d let him take control. A weight lifted off my chest, and the very real worries of my life melted away. I was going on a date with Mason. I said it out loud, tasting his name on my tongue. My life was still a disaster, but things were looking up. I texted him back with a stupid smile on my face.

Claire: I can't wait either. I hope you sleep well and dream of me.

I sent a picture of my hand inside my panties.

Mason: Good night, tease.

I climbed back into my bed, exhausted in a way I’d never been. And of course, I dreamt of him.

Tags: Aurelia Knight Romance