Page 12 of The Misfit

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“Where are you staying?” I asked, curiously. I hadn’t spotted him checking in, and I wondered how he was so sure he already had a room to call his own. Maybe he had a standing place here. He hadn’t struck me as the kind to be throwing that sort of money around, but maybe I was wrong – maybe he was rolling in it, and my senses had let me down.

“Upstairs,” he replied as he guided me towards the elevator. Sure enough, he planted a card at the sensor, and the doors slid open smoothly.

“After you,” he murmured, and he gestured for me to go in ahead of him. I wished I was wearing some of the gorgeous lingerie in my bag right now, but honestly, this just made it that much more exciting. It was so spontaneous, both of us giving in to our need for each other before anything else could get in the way of it.

I stepped in, and he followed me. As soon as the doors slid shut behind us, he pushed his hand into my hair and kissed me so hard it knocked the breath out of my lungs.

This kiss was way more than the first one had been. This time, he was the one in control, not me, and I found myself giving in to it, unable to resist, unable to stop. I moaned against his lips as he pushed his tongue into my mouth, his hands sliding down to my waist to pull me near. I wound my arms around his neck, my breath coming harder and faster than it had before, and he bowed his head to plant his lips to my throat.

The warmth of his mouth on my skin made me melt. I couldn’t control myself, and I lifted a leg to hook it around his, pulling him even nearer to me, needing more, wanting more, craving it. I could feel his cock starting to harden against me, and the thought of him thrusting inside of me made my stomach twist into the most delicious knot.

He lifted me from my feet and pinned me against the wall, moving his mouth to mine again so we could kiss. My heart was thumping in my chest, and I knew I was utterly vulnerable to anything he wanted to take from me now. I couldn’t hide anything. My defenses were down, and I didn’t care to put them back up again until we’d both gotten what we needed.

Until we’d both taken everything from each other.

Tags: Lexy Timms Erotic