Page 9 of Trick or Eat

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As I watch Keegan I see about seven shades of realization dawn on his handsome face. First, that I made my own damn way once someone gave me a chance. Second, Baker may be a sugar daddy but just for Chantel—and certainly not because of his bank account. Lastly, how much a fool he has made of himself. And he has, I won’t let him forget that.

I still think he’s the most beautiful fool I ever laid eyes on, so there’s that.

“Baker is married to.... Chantel?” he croaks before he empties his beer, eyes circling the group before landing on me.

“They do share a last name, honey.” I take an indulgent sip of my beer before grinning at him, “I think you said he was a sugar daddy? Might ask Chantel if she calls him that in the bedroom.” My words are full of mirth as the others laugh.

Keegan is not laughing. His eyes stay trained on me as discussion picks up about other builds and plans for Main Street. Marshall won’t say who got the permits, though he alludes Keegan and Oliver’s job will have stay as is.Meaning, I win. Gabe and his partner Brady, who are funding the bookstore, seem fine with it. Keegan not so much—though I feel as if his issue is with me and not permits.

We all head over to the lovely table Mona and the other ladies set up as the sun settles low in the sky. It’s a lovely night with brisk fall air and the beautiful autumn inspired meal makes it all the better. We talk, laugh, and indulge in the amazing dinner and each other.

Keegan’s eyes watch me as the night goes on and eventually, I give up pretending I'm not watching him too. We’re surrounded by our friends and peers, but I’m only aware of him, really. Of the way his throat moves as he sips his beer, how he hums when he takes a bite of my risotto, and the sound of his laughter.

After the meal, most of us retreat to a roaring fire pit surrounded by Adirondack chairs Marshall boasts he built himself. More beer is sipped, more laughs are had, and Mona and Aria bust out adult cocoa and even some marshmallows to toast. Before we can join in, Keegan has my hand in his. A whisper in my ear has me following him.

“Come with me, we need a minute alone.” His rusty rasp has me willing to go wherever he leads.

When he leads me past the fire pit and towards the dark woods, and I follow without hesitation.

Tags: Dee Ellis Romance