Page 8 of Trick or Eat

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Chapter Five


Pumpkins, amber leaves, and hay bales speak to a special part of me—that part is as basic as any other girl who loves their hoodies, boots, and pumpkin spicedeverything. October is in full swing and I should be loving every turning leaf.

Since a night in the dark with Keegan, I am not the same.

In the days since, I'm very aware of him. Somehow, I’d missed him coming and going the past few months during construction. Now it seems I sense whenever he’s near. We haven’t spoken a word since he left me standing there that night, but I don’t need any more words from him.

Without knowing a single thing about me, without even asking about my relationship with Baker, or anything at all really, he made assumptions. Bullshit assumptions at that. He sees me as a woman using a man to get what she wants.

I might have used Keegan to get what I want—in the bedroom—if he hadn’t royally pissed me off.

Something stirred between us like I've never felt. I’ve wanted men—and acted on that want. Never in my life have I feltneedlike he made me feel. It was consuming and chaotic and it scared the shit out of me. Had he not stormed away, I was on my way out the door.

“What is going on in your head, sweets?” Chantel asks gently as we carry overflowing dishes of deliciousness.

It’s a crisp and bright Saturday afternoon and we are due at Mayor Marshall’s for a dinner party. One I was looking forward to before. Now, not so much. I don’t want to talk about my expansion or permits and it’s all he’ll want to discuss. I don’t want to think what it might mean for me to get those permits instead of Keegan.

“Just in my head about the shop. Nothing to worry about,” I say as I reach out and snatch a meringue ghost off her death by chocolate cake.

We round the back of the house, searching for Marshall and his bubbly wife Mona. As we kick through fallen leaves we ooh and ahh at their fun Halloween décor: a skeleton driven stagecoach, an old western themed graveyard and other kitschy western decorations. As I set out my scrumptious pumpkin risotto, I feel a shift in the air.

Something shoots up my spine, as if I've been shocked. I feel him—and I know it’shim—before I register someone has moved close to me. Big hands touch my hips and I almost shudder before I realize he came to rescue me. Yanking me back against his chest—his very firm chest—he saves me as a massive beast comes barreling past.

Once I'm on the ground again, I twist in his arms, peering up at him in shock. He cracks that same grin that makes my insides twist up as he keeps his thick arms around me. His always mussed hair is tied back in a man bun, his usual scruff shaved clean.

“Careful there, firecracker,” he drawls slow and sweet, setting me gently on my feet, “Boomhauer is a bit of a rambunctious beast. He means well, don’t you big guy?” he coos at a huge Bernese as he drops to a knee, roughing him up affectionately.

“Is that a dog or a horse?” I ask as I catch my breath.

Keegan grins up at me as he gives his pooch a pat on the hind before he runs off. Standing, he reminds me how tall and beautiful he is as he takes a step closer. I forget the mayor and his wife, Chantel and Baker, and anyone else who’s here. I forget everything for a moment. I take a step closer too, opening my mouth but unsure of what I want to say.

He scares me because he makes me want to stop and take a moment, just like this. He makes me want to ask about that beast of a dog, why he shaved his scruff that looked so good, and why he cleaned up when he looks fine dirtied. I want to feed him my risotto, kick through the leaves with him, or cuddle up with some coco and find out what it is about him that makes me so unsteady.

Romance is not something I make time for. Mostly because I don’t buy into it, really. I like men and men sometimes like me. I don’t know that I believe in the kind of happy ever after Chantel and Baker have found. I believe they love each other deeply, madly, but I don’t know if I believe that kind of love exists for most people. Me especially.

“Boomhauer is the only constant I’ve kept in my life, besides that idiot,” he jerks his chin towards Oliver, “but he’s a lot to take. I'm sorry he bowled you over,” he says softly before noticing we’re not alone.

Just like that, he puts distance between us. I hate it. He rushes to help Marshall with something, leaving me standing there. Before I can tell him how crazy it makes me that we can’t get two minutes together without bickering, the shindig kicks into motion.

There are ten of us here to enjoy a fall feast, talk about the growth in Harmony Hollow, and enjoy each other’s company. I'm hyper aware of Keegan as we mingle and talk. He keeps his distance but whenever I seek him out, he is watching me, as if seeking me out too. I don’t know what to make of what this man does to me, but I intend to makesomethingof it.

As Mona, Chantel and others fuss over setting the table, I notice the guys gathered with beers talking bullshit. Aria Holmes grabs a bottle and heads over to join them and I realize I’ve found a kindred spirit. Leaving the ladies to it, I my own drink and head over too. Keegan watches me approach, eyes skimming over me in a way that makes me feel as if my clothes are in his way.

“Kady, congratulations on expanding Bite,” Aria calls as she grins directly at Keegan, almost challenging him. “Glad another boss babe is making her mark.” She winks at me as she cuddles up to her husband Gabe.

“Yes, congrats on that,” he says as he shoots a look at Oliver and Keegan, “forced us to scramble on our current build, but I know better than to stand in the way of woman getting what she wants. Learned from the best.” He grins at his wife, kissing her temple.

“No permits have been signed,” Keegan says, eyes on me, “we both submitted papers in so it’s up to Marshall and city council,” he drawls before taking a long draw of his beer.

“Good for me I'm prompt,” I take a sip too, needing the courage, “told you that I beat you to the punch, honey. Bitewillexpand.” At my declaration, tension sparks in the air.

“We will see once the council meets. They decide if they want to expand your place or let our build continue as scheduled,” his voice raises as his eyes flash and I hate how good it looks on him, “I think it’ll go to the build that makes the most sense—not the one with the deepest pockets.”

“Deep pockets? Gabe’s or Bakers? Are we whipping dicks out? Because if so, I've got opinions,” Aria teases, making her husband blush before he gives her a swat on her backside.

“Baker’s pockets make mine look like a coin purse, wife. Let’s be clear: they only needed his money to get started. He wrote blank checks for both his wife and Kady, but they didn’t need his cash flow after a few months,” Gabe smiles at me warmly.

Tags: Dee Ellis Romance