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Making love to her was wonderful, but there was something about sharing her with Connor that made the whole thing even more powerful. I had never been a part of a threesome before, but I was already looking forward to the next time.

On Monday, Connor and I were expected at Flynn’s office. I had never been there before, but I found the place easily enough. It was one of the fancy new high rises that global conglomerates used.

I could tell that Flynn was rich. Of course, he employed Bre as his nanny, and there was the private car she traveled around in. In the afterglow of our lovemaking, Bre had talked a little bit about her living situation. It seemed that the house was big, and that the estate was even bigger. They had a pond and a private tennis court. Real estate in and around Dublin was not cheap. Even a modest house in the vicinity would cost a pretty penny.

Connor lived the high life in his penthouse suite, while I lived in a much more modest home in Mount Merrion. The neighborhood was one of the richest in the city, and the house was worth well over a million euros. Still, by Connor’s and Flynn’s standards, I was living in poverty.

I was a doctor, but I also had an inheritance. After a lot of solid investing by savvy money managers, I grew my fortune. I had close to a billion euros now if I were to count real estate, investments, and intellectual property.

I didn’t spend it like the crass billionaires in America. I wasn’t flying to the moon on phallic rockets or building an army of robots. I had a foundation that gave money back to the community. I kept most of it in investments and used the rest to live comfortably while attending to my patients and their families.

Flynn was a different story. He flashed his wealth around. Living like some old-fashioned duke, he owned expensive cars and operated his company out of the most luxurious office space Dublin had to offer.

I had no doubt that most people were impressed. Bre’s take on the subject was all that mattered. She genuinely liked Flynn, not for his money, but for his personality. That was enough for me. I was willing to give the guy a shot, to share my new lover with him if that was Bre’s choice. I would make it work.

I met Connor in the elevator, and we traveled up together. Outside Flynn’s office, another secretary sat behind an aesthetically curved desk. A shower of well-placed lighting made her seem like someone out of a movie script. I paused to ask for directions, and she pointed out her boss’s door. She didn’t ask to see IDs or impede our progress in any way.

When we finally arrived, I could see why. He knew we were coming.

Flynn opened the door before we could knock, welcoming us in with a gesture. I looked around briefly, noting that the office was somewhat smaller than I would have expected. There wasn’t a treadmill or a wall of windows. There wasn’t a casting couch or a wet bar. Only a desk, a lamp, and a conference area took up any space in the room.

I grabbed a chair from the conference table and sat without being asked. Flynn poured three cups of coffee from a small pot beside his desk. Passing a cup to me and one to Connor, he chose one for himself. It was a nice little scene, but I wanted to get to the point.

“You asked for this meeting,” I said.

Flynn narrowed his eyes. We’d already gotten off on the wrong foot. When he began to talk, my opinion didn’t change. He clearly wanted both Connor and me to step aside so that he could have Bre all to himself. That wasn’t exactly what he said, but the message was clear.

“I think there’s a difference in ages,” Flynn explained, setting his coffee down untouched. “She’s only twenty-five, and I’m thirty-two, and you two are, I assume, older.”

Connor looked at me.

“The reason it matters is that Bre is not just a fling. I care about her deeply and want what’s best for her.”

“So do we,” Connor argued. “Just because I’m older and willing to keep an open mind doesn’t mean I don’t care about her.”

“Polyamory,” I said. “We’re talking about polyamory. And we don’t all have to do it at once, because no offense, I don’t want to see your dick.” I ignored Connor’s smirk on the other side of the desk.

He was clearly remembering the day before when we had both undressed and made love to Bre together. My comment held true; I didn’t want to see Flynn’s dick. I wasn’t a huge fan of Connor’s either, but he was a good friend and had arranged the threesome, so I didn’t mind.

The contentions about who “owned” Bre were expected. This whole nonsense about age didn’t. Age was just a number, and there was a different number that I wanted to focus on. My focus was four, that was the number of people involved in this relationship. I didn’t have to like Flynn to see that he was good for Bre. She was the one who’d brought us all together, and I would take her lead. If she wanted to include Flynn in the picture, then Flynn would be included. I didn’t think it needed to be more complicated than that.

“Why does the age bother you?” I asked, “She wants you and us, you want her. Simple.”

Flynn frowned again, having difficulty swallowing the knowledge. To his credit, he hadn’t kicked us out of the office or tried to buy us off. He seemed much more focused on the age gap between us and Bre rather than the fact that there were three of us and only one of her.

It was good, in a way. At least we had all agreed to share, even though we each might have picked a different partner. I definitely wouldn’t have gone with Flynn if I had any say in the matter. But if the guy kept his business to himself and Bre, or even Connor, I wouldn’t care. As long as I didn’t have to be in the room, I was perfectly happy to open my heart to the partnership.

It was nontraditional, but that was the best part. I’d discovered something about myself the day before with Bre. I liked group sex. It was so much more enticing than a one-on-one affair. So much so that I was willing to give up the idea of a single-family household with a dog and 2.5 kids.

“I guess so, yeah.” Flynn sighed. As if reading my mind, he moved on from the age difference to the real reason we were all meeting. “I’m not gonna lie. I’m a jealous, possessive shit. So it’ll be hard for me. But I’d rather share then have nothing. And I’m getting that those are my only options.”

I looked at Connor, my eyes open wide with appreciation. The dude was getting it. He had accurately described the situation and made the decision to play ball with us. I wondered how Connor was viewing this new development. I knew he didn’t like Flynn, and I knew Flynn didn’t like Connor, but that wouldn’t necessarily rule out sex.

With time, Connor might change his mind and become interested in a threesome with Flynn. I couldn’t tell if he was thinking along those lines, though I didn’t see any hint of interest in his eyes.

Just then, Flynn’s assistant rushed in. “Breanna and Seanan are at the hospital,” she said.

The room erupted into chaos, with all of us shouting at once.

Tags: Sofia T. Summers Billionaire Romance