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What the hell happened last night? I turn in the bed to see the clock lights telling me its four am. Again. I need to stop waking up like this, my mind running into overdrive.

Ady has a tight hold on my hip, as if he’s scared I’m going to run away in the night.

Like that’s going to happen. I’d walked into his apartment with the sole intent of teasing him, and the hope that he’d take to the bait and fuck me senseless.

I pull my phone off the side of the bed and take another look at the photo he shared on his social pages. We both look so happy.

I see I’ve missed a text message from Catherine and open my messages.

Catherine: Don’t forget, we have to check everything is ok with your dress tomorrow.

Catherine: Katie and Jaime are gonna be there too. They’re part of the party, we’ll do something just the two of us later.

I close my messages, then go back to happier thoughts featuring Adrien.

I thought he was going to take one look at me and then fuck my brains out. After all, we’d been on edge all afternoon.

What we did last night felt like a lot more than fucking. Last night for the first time in a long time we made love.

I’d completely forgotten what that feeling was like. When the person you’re with can see right into your soul.

I put my hand over Ady’s hand and stroke his fingers. I feel so incredibly comfortable with him. I never thought I was going to feel this way again, and certainly not with Ady. This all just feels right.

I’m going to take the bull by the horns.

For the last few years, all of my relationships–if you could call them that–have just been me, hoping we’d somehow find ourselves back here again. At least, that’s what I keep telling myself.

Ady kisses the back of my neck, rubbing his nose as if he’s trying to nuzzle into me.

I sink my body into him and force myself to go back to sleep.

I’m not going to let this second chance pass me by.

While I’m enjoyingAdy’s company, we both need a break from each other.

Our best friends are getting married in two days, and we have been awful friends.

I love Catherine, she’s like the sister I never had. But Bryan's cousins, who Catherine got talked into having as bridesmaids, are a complete and utter nightmare. They are the type of girls who ‘whooo’ at bars while they take shots.

Me, I’m more of a chameleon, I like to adapt to my surroundings. I love though that Catherine has chosen some gorgeously sexy bridesmaid dresses. We’re all in the same color, just more flattering styles for each of us.

“Sara, have you?” Asked one of the girls. I have no clue who spoke, but to tell you the truth I was firmly in dream land.

“I’m sorry. What was that?”

I see Catherine smirking. Damn, she knows I zoned out there for a minute.

Again, why are these women even here?

“Jaime was just asking if you’ve met any of Bryan’s groomsmen? You’re the only person here who’s new to town. Well, I flew in too, but I used to live here, so that doesn’t count. We met them all a couple of months ago. Oh man, you missed out on that weekend. Bryan has some pretty fine friends. I’m not going to lie. And man, I can’t wait to see Adrien again. He’s so much fun.” Katie said, relaxing back in her chair, glass of champagne in her hand.

The woman out front gave us all a glass while we wait to check all our dresses. So far, Katie is the only one on her second glass.

“Sara and Adrien go way back, don’t you, Sara?”

Catherine looks like she is having way too much fun. She uses a tone in her voice that is definitely gonna be her Mom voice when they have kids.

Tags: Lisa M. Miller Romance