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I’m not that stupid. I’m not happy in New York. I hate my job. My best friend has already moved out of state.

“Ady, I said ok. And hell yes, I’m taking the job you’re offering. I don’t care what people say, because guess what? I’ve heard it all before. As long as I get to see you every day, that’s all that matters.”

Ady looks at me, shocked, but with the biggest grin on his face. The guy really knows how to smile. God, I’ve missed that smile so fucking much.

“I thought that this was going to be a harder sell.”

“It probably should have been, but Catherine made some sense before.”

“Oh, yeah.”

“She convinced me that really you’re one of the good guys, and the last time she saw me happy was a few years ago. That was probably around the time we were together.”


He sounds like he’s gonna apologize again, and that isn’t what I am fishing for. It really isn’t.

“Don’t apologize, Ady. Let’s just try to pick up from when we were last happy together and move on from there. I know I’d like to think that if history had been kinder to us, we’d still be together.”

“We would.”

He’s so firm in that declaration. Because that’s what that was. A declaration.

“Right then, not to sound all business, but have you got a contract you want me to sign?”

My heart rate speeds up at that. All the romance books I’ve read, all swimming to the surface. I feel my cheeks pink As I think of the heroines in my favorite novels and what contracts usually meant. God, I’ve been reading too much. He’s looking at me strangely now. That only makes my pink cheeks turn red.

“I really want to know what just went through your head just then.”

I get a little embarrassed that he’s kind of reading my mind again.

“No, you don’t,” I laugh.

“I really think I do. You’ve got that look on your face when you’re aroused. I’m kind of wondering why talking about you coming to work for me gave you that look.”

I hide my head in my legs.

“It’s nothing, I was just thinking about something I’ve read in a book.”

This really makes him laugh.

“Oh, really. You definitely need to tell me now. I know you love your romance books, so unless your tastes have changed. You were just thinking of something very naughty.”

I lift half my face from between my legs and smile at him.

“How do you know the type of books I used to read?”

“Well, Sara, we might not have lived together, but we certainly spent a lot of time at each other’s places. I may have sneaked a look more than once if you had a book lying around. Of course, when you choose to read on your device, that took away all my fun.”

If I said I was shocked, that would be an understatement.

“Of course, I always hoped you’d share with me some of the stuff in your books.”

“Ady, you continue to surprise me.”

He really does. He’s not the guy I remember. I think over time I’ve forgotten the good things about Ady.

“So answer my question.”

I run my fingers through the sand to distract myself.

“Make me,” I smile.

“Game on.”

Tags: Lisa M. Miller Romance