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Violet 5

I lean my head back against my couch and close my eyes, the image of Tal is engraved in my mind. I left the club as soon as Brielle left the room, I knew that they would be bringing Tal back and I knew that I couldn’t be there, or he would know that I’m his mate. A tear slides down my cheek, I raise my hand angrily cleaning the moistness from my face. I’m being silly, I decided to leave, I decided to leave behind the chance of finding a man that might love me.

I take in a deep breath trying to appease the heaviness in my heart, trying to relax the knot that is tightening in my stomach with each minute that passes. What is wrong with me? I know that I can’t be with him, I know that not long after mating with me he would realize what a coward I am, how weak I am, and he would leave me.

“It’s all my fault.” I whisper as I slide down on the couch bringing my legs up and laying my head on my arm. I know that it’s not going to help me laying here feeling sorry for myself, but for now all I want to do is lay here in the quiet and think about Tal and the life that we could have had.

I wish I had brought something of his with me, like that I could follow his energy to wherever he is and be close to him again, but I purposefully left everything behind. Now I’m regretting that decision. I love riding my bike, but the ride here was turmoil. Two hours, every minute feeling the gap opening more and more between Tal and me.

Zane phoned a couple of times, I know he must be wondering why I just packed up and left without him, but I knew that if I had to wait then there would be not time to leave. I still don’t know what I’m going to tell Zane when he comes for an explanation, but I know that I have never lied to him and I’m not going to start now, or our friendship will be gone.


I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know I am being awoken by a six sense that tells me that someone is watching me. Opening my eyes, I encounter Zane’s magnetic eyes on me as he sits back relaxed on the couch before me.

“Zane!” I greet in a whisper.

“Violet!” he says nonchalantly, but I know that he’s angry by his quiet tone.

“You angry with me?” I ask as I sit up from where I was laying.

“You just left without saying anything, what do you think?” he asks as he leans forward placing his elbows on his knees as he clasps his hands together.

“I left a message with Brielle.” I say, trying to appease his anger.

“Oh yes, the message with Brielle.” He replies in a sarcastic tone, “that you were coming home, nothing else. He suddenly jumps up throwing his hands up in the air. “Don’t you think I would be worried about you riding all this way alone at night?”

“I’m sorry!” I know that there is no excuse for the way I ran away, but that is what I am good at, running away. I feel my eyes fill with tears again which has me biting my lip to try and keep them at bay.

“Sorry?” he asks with a raised brow, “you will have to do better than that, you didn’t even answer any of my calls. What the fuck Violet?”

“I had to leave.” I say quietly feeling on the edge of breaking down and letting the flood gates open.

“Why?” he asks coming to stand over me like an avenging angel, his body tense, his muscles vibrating with anger. “And don’t even think of giving me a half-brained excuse.” He snaps

I take a deep breath; he deserves the truth. “I couldn’t be there when he came back.” His eyes widen, a frown appearing on his face.

“When who came back?” he asks, “did someone say something to you…was it Draco?” his voice raises in anger as he mentions his brother’s name.

“No,” I shake my head vigorously before he has a chance to build on that, “no, I didn’t even talk to Draco.”

“Then who?” he asks

“Tal” my reply has a surprised look cross his features before he shakes his head in confusion.

“Why wouldn’t you want to be there when Tal came back?” he takes a step forward, turning he sits next to me on the couch.

“Because he would want me to stay.” I mutter

“You are making no sense Violet,” he raises his hand holding my chin he turns my head up to look at him. “Why would he want you to stay if he never met you before?”

“I’m his mate!” my reply has his features tensing, his fingers tightening on my chin until I pull back and his hand falls to his lap.

“How the fuck do you know that?” he whispers

“Because of the way I feel when my energy is entwined with his, because of the way his energy changed when I was close. I know there is no other explanation, I know that whatever this thing is that happens when Elementals find their mates, it happened to Tal and me.” Zane is shaking his head in denial before I finish speaking.

“No,” he states, “you didn’t touch each other, you weren’t physically in each other’s presence.” He shakes his head as he continues, “you’ve never followed an Elemental’s energy before, an Elemental that has lived for centuries like Tal has, that’s why you feel a difference, that’s why you felt it was special.”

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal