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My eyes snap open when I hear the first gunshot, then all hell breaks loose, and I hear screaming and running feet. Sounds like the others have found me, I breath out a sigh of relief. My body hurts, my mind is fucked with everything that has happened since I was brought here. I want to leave this hellhole and figure out what happened, figure out what I experienced and then I want to kill every motherfucker that was involved in this.

Placing my hands flat on the slab I am laying on I slowly pull myself up grunting as the pain shoots through my body. I won’t hear the end of it for being caught, therefore I will rather they find me sitting up then laying down like an invalid. The pain is still excruciating, being an Elemental I heal much faster than humans, I have had many injuries through time, but I have never been prevented from healing like I was now which has my body in a prolonged state of pain.

The door to the sell I have been kept in snaps as it is pulled off its hinges, I shake my head in amusement as I realize that we never do anything in a civilized way. My eyes widen when I see Zane walk in, since when is Zane back, have I been here longer than I think?

“Well, you are looking dandy.” Zane quips as he steps aside to let Tor stride in.

“Fuck” Tor grunts when he sees me, “can you move?”

I nod, “I look worse than I feel,” I say trying to pull off a smile but fail miserably as I wince at the pain of my bust lip.

“I doubt that” Tor mutters as he comes to stand before me, “time to go,” he says placing a hand under my elbows he helps me up, in one swipe he cuts the restraints from my hands. I try not to grunt in pain, but it is excruciating, I’m sure my ribs are all bust and the rest of me isn’t doing that well either.

“How long have you been back?” I ask looking at Zane as I start making my way towards the door much slower than I would like. Zane shrugs looking over at Tor before answering.

“I’m not back, just here to find your ass, then I’m gone.” I’m surprised as I know that Zane was banned from ever coming back to the MC, for him to be called in it means that they were having difficulty finding me.

“Thank you” I say as Tor half carries, half drags me behind him.

“Don’t thank me yet,” Zane says as we suddenly have to duck behind a wall, “these fuckers have some kind of block that stops us from using our powers, luckily Violet was able to trace your energy, or I would be useless.” His words have my attention returning to him.

“Violet?” I ask but don’t receive an answer as Zane starts shooting at the two motherfuckers that are preventing us from continuing. Tor has let go of me and is also returning fire, his face a thundercloud of rage. He hasn’t said much since he found me which isn’t a good thing. Tor is the raging, swearing type, when he is silent you know to keep out of his way.

“Anyone have a gun for me?” I ask which is ignored as both men continue shooting. “Or I’ll just sit here like a stuffed duck.” I mutter

A few minutes later I hear one of the men scream in pain and a loud grunt. “About fucking time!” Tor grunts as he once again leans down to help me up from where I’m slumping against the wall.

“You’re welcome!” Ulrich shouts from where he’s standing over one of the men. “Fuck brother, it’s good to see you.” He says when we walk past him. I want to reply but all my energy is now focused on placing one foot in front of the other. Who is Violet?

“Tal” looking up I see Haldor, there is a closed look to him from all the brothers here today he is the one I am very happy to see as we had all been worried about him ever since his sister was killed. Haldor is one of the closest brothers in the MC to me and when his sister died, I was feeling helpless in helping him, I was also worried that he would turn. I raise my hand towards him, “Are you okay?” he asks as he places his shoulder under my arm when Tor lets go and moves to our right.

“Did we catch any of the motherfuckers alive?” Tor asks looking at Haldor and Ulrich

“Yeah, Colborn, Einar and Dag are outside holding five of the enhanced sons of bitches.” Ulrich updates, “those assholes sure put up a fight, you should have seen Burkhart fry one of the guy’s asses.” I shake my head, trust Ulrich to find that amusing. We make our way through a hole that was blown through a solid stone wall to see Asger, Garth and Burkhart standing over two bodies outside.

“Its clear inside, tell Draco he can move in.” Tor calls out to Burkhart

“Draco is here?” Draco is the President of the Elemental’s MC and the oldest Elemental alive that we know of. He is also the most powerful of all of us being able to bend all the elements instead of just one like most of us. These days he doesn’t leave Natura Valley much as his mate has gifted him with their first child, a child that Draco never thought he would have after so many centuries of living without his mate.

“Yeah, he will move in with his men to see if they can find anything that will help us understand these motherfuckers better.” Haldor says as he guides me towards the SUV parked a couple of metres away. I am looking forward to going home and being able to heal. With everything else that has been going on I forgot to ask.

“Did anyone else get captured?” Haldor shakes his head at my question.

“How did Zane get dragged into this?” I ask

“The women couldn’t find you, so they called Zane, he brought his friend Violet.” Haldor shrugs, “apparently they work together finding people.” The mention of the woman’s name again has something triggering within my chest, I swear my heart starts to race and I feel my stomach knotting in excitement.

“Where is she?” I ask wondering if she is close.

“She’s back at the club.” Haldor says as he starts the SUV making his way towards the club and closer to the woman that helped save my life.

“How did they find me?” my curiosity has been poked

“Don’t know, I think she does something with energy and Zane follows it or something like that.” I frown at the mention of Zane.

“Is she, his woman?” I ask grunting when I try to slant my body to look at Haldor and the pain shoots through my torso.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal