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“Violet, I would like you to meet my mate Brielle.” Brielle lifts her hand to wave.

“I have been so curious to meet you,” Brielle says as she takes a step towards me only to be stopped as Bion slides his arm around her waist to pull her back against his body. The genuine friendly smile on her face has me surprised.

“Why?” I ask

A surprised look fills Brielle’s face at my question, “Well…” she starts to say then shrugs, “you are one of us, you were able to find Tal when none of us could,” I tense pulling myself up I manage to stand. I know that all the women that are mated have certain powers, powers that they use to help other Elementals, but I’m not one of them, I might have the power of tracing other humans’ energy, but I am not someone that can work in a group with other people. People are false, they say one thing when they mean something different, and being able to trace energy means that I can usually tell when people are lying.

Sometimes when I am alone and feeling sorry for myself, I have wished that I didn’t have this power, but at other times when I dodge certain situations, I am pleased to be able to tell when I am being misled. “I’m just pleased that I could help.” I say feeling uncomfortable with their closeness.

“Violet, are you feeling, okay?” Bion asks with concern in his voice, “you’re looking very pale, and your heart rate is slower than normal.” I forget that Elementals have exceptional hearing, and Bion being a healer he would be more in tune with a human’s normal bodily functions.

“Yes, thank you, I’m just tired.” Brielle nods at my answer as she takes a step towards me.

“Of course, most of us feel drained after using our gift.” She says, “I can help you feel better if you will let me?” at her question I frown,

“Beauty!” Bion says in a warning voice.

“Shht” she mutters waving her hand in dismissal. “My gift is healing, if you are feeling drained because of overexerting yourself, then I will be able to help you.” I’m weary about any kind of help that is offered; I have learned that there is always some other motive. Unfortunately, I don’t have much of an option, because if Brielle can revive me somewhat, I will be able to leave before Tal is brought home.

I feel my stomach knot at the thought of leaving, but there is no choice. I know that if I stay there is no way that Tal will be letting his mate out of his sight until he has bonded with her. I cannot let that happen; I cannot be his mate.

I have felt his energy, I know that his heart is in a good place, but I’m not sure that I would be able to be the woman that he needs. I am always running, my life has been one disappointment after another, one heartache after another. The only person that is close to me is Zane, and that’s because he never gave up on me. I crave human interaction, but I push everyone away. Zane always says that I am my worst enemy, he is right because I always sabotage any chance of being happen.

“Thank you, I will accept” I say not sure of how she will revive my energy levels so quickly, but certain that she can do what she says. Zane has told me about all the different powers that the women have, even though he doesn’t run with the MC any longer, he keeps in touch enough to know about what is happening.

Brielle walks towards me, I notice that Bion keeps close as if worried that I will somehow harm her. “Great,” she says with a bright smile, “now don’t worry, all you have to do is sit over here for me and relax.” that’s easier said than done, I think as I make my way towards a small wooden chest that she has gone to stand behind.

“Do I sit with my back to you?” I ask as I come to a standstill next to the chest. I am hesitant as I don’t trust being so close to anyone at my back, but unfortunately, I know that this lethargy I am feeling is only going to get worse. Soon I am going to fall asleep and only wake up when my body fully restores its energy levels. I have never exhausted myself as I did now, therefore I know that I will be asleep for at least a whole day, if not more.

“Completely up to you and how you feel more comfortable, it’s just that I can’t reach right around you when you are standing.” Brielle’s explanation has me quickly taking a seat before her, my eyes locked with hers, waiting for any sudden movements that might indicate foul play. She raises her arms placing her hands on my shoulders and then closes her eyes, in one way I am curious, but in another I am worried.

Immediately I feel a warmth filling my being, my eyes become droopy and all I want to do Is close them and go to sleep. She starts to hum; the sound is soothing and penetrating, I swear I see a light surround me. There is such a feeling of peace that I surrender and close my eyes. I don’t know how long we are like that but all I know is that when I finally open my eyes I feel completely refreshed as If I had been sleeping for two days.

“How do you feel now?” Brielle asks as she drops her hands away from me.

“You are truly gifted; I feel better than I have in a long time.” I confess

“We are all gifted in our own way, I’m just happy you are feeling better.” Brielle says as she steps back into Bion’s arms.

“Do you know if they have gone out to find Tal?” I ask looking at Bion, I want to make sure that they are going to get Tal before it’s too late. I could feel his anger, his despair, his pain, and I feel an intense need to free him, to make sure that he is safe as soon as possible.

“The others were getting everything together to move out,” Bion updates with a nod.

“They need to hurry, he’s hurt.” At my statement I see Bion tense

“How badly is he hurt?” he asks, but before I can answer another man walks up to the doorway.

“Bion, Tor is calling you.” The man says, his eyes sweep around the room stopping on me. “Thank you.” His tone is sincere, his clear blue eyes twinkling when he smiles. “I’ll make sure that Tal knows that he was saved by a woman.” By the inflection in his voice, I know that there is more to his comment then what he is saying. Knowing Zane and things he has said before, I imagine that Tal will be teased for being saved by a woman.

I wish that I could hang around and see what Tal would say, or the way he would react, but I can’t. Tal will be happier not knowing what I know, not knowing that his mate is a broken, spinless woman that fears her own shadow.

I see with Zane and the men that I have met before have radiated the same energy, they are bigger than life, their presence is noted when they are around. I know that they are real warriors fighting for what they believe, standing tall in the face of danger. Elementals are afraid of nothing; they charge when confronted, fighting for what they believe and for those they care about.

I run from confrontation, I’m not courageous and I don’t take a chance on what I don’t know. Tal would get bored with me within a week.

“Are you coming Beauty?” Bion asks looking at Brielle

“I’ll stay with Violet a little longer,” I want to complain and tell her to go, but she is being friendly which has me feeling guilty. He takes a step towards her, lowering his head he kisses her lips tenderly before lifting his head and smiling. The look in his eyes is a statement alone of the love this man has for this woman. There was a time where I wanted this, a time where love was all I thought about, but life has a way of teaching us that love isn’t all it seems.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal