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“You found her,” another man says from behind me.

“Yeah, but she’s hurt.”

“Motherfuckers,” the other man snaps in an angry tone. “Always picking on those that can’t fight back.”

“Well, they’re not going to fight anymore.” His words have my eyes snapping open. Did he kill them? Oh no! Is he going to go to prison because of me?

“Where?” the man asks.

“By that old run-down building on Church Street,” he states.

“I’ll take care of it.” The man says as I hear him walking away.

“Are you going to get into trouble because of me?” Looking up at him from this point, the only thing I can see is a strong, unshaven jaw. But now he looks down, his eyes clashing with mine, and every thought leaves my mind when I see him for the first time. His moss green eyes are penetrating. The short black hair and dark stubble give him a rugged look that would call to any woman. He has an air about him that screams danger. I was worried about him when the men grabbed me. If I had seen him before, I would have known that this man can take care of himself, and those around him.

“No, I will be fine,” he replies, and then he scowls when I wince.

“Fuck, we will have your head looked at when we get to the club.”

I sigh, wishing the pain would go away, but the throbbing is overwhelming.

“It’s my arm, I think it’s broken.”

I feel his body stiffen as he comes to a stop. My arm is cushioned against his body. The only movement I feel is when he steps over something. When he looks down to examine it, my elbow jolts, which in turn has me crying out again as the pain shoots right through me.

“Son of a bitch, I should have killed them slowly.” His voice is a deep growl. By the deadly look in his eyes, I have no doubt that he means it, too. I think I must have a concussion too, because my vision is starting to blur again, and I feel tremors starting to race over my body. Am I in shock?

“Fuck, it’s starting!” I hear him mutter.

“What?” I whisper as I feel myself start to slip away again.

“Our mating.”

What does he mean, our mating?

That is the last I remember before I start convulsing. My body shakes and then I taste something warm on my lips, slipping down my throat and after a few minutes I start to calm. There is a sting on my neck, but then darkness finally takes me.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal