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“We have found Aldor,” Tal replies

“Shit, it’s about fucking time,” Haldor says as he as he pulls his fingers through his hair.

“One of Draco’s men’s women found him. Celmund has looked into him and confirmed that he is who we are looking for.” All Draco’s men are now mated, their women have some crazy gifts that can be just as powerful as their men. As the mother chapter, Draco is the Elementals President, but Tor is our leader. “I told Draco that he is ours. We’ve been fighting this asshole for way too long for anyone else to swoop in and have the pleasure of killing the son of a bitch.”

“Do we know when he will be here in Cape Town?” Garth asks with a pensive expression on his face.

“No, but Celmund is keeping track of him, and will let us know as soon as he touches Cape Town soil,” Tor updates and then he raps his knuckles on the table. “That’s not all,” he states as everyone is commenting in excitement at finally having a breakthrough.

We have been trying to stop the kidnapping of our women for a very long time, sometimes fighting blind as we didn’t have much information. Now that we know where the orders are coming from, we can finally stop it, but Tor’s tone is foreboding and his expression has darkened with anger, which tells me that the next topic up for discussion is the main reason for us being here.

“The Desperados have burned down Wheels and Inks.” His news has me stiffening. Wheels and Inks is one of the Elementals MC most profitable businesses.

“What the fuck? When?” Colborn roars as he stands.

“Was anyone hurt?” Garth asks simultaneously, which has Tor raising his hand to quieten everyone. But the news has our adrenaline running high. They have no idea who they are provoking. We don’t usually fight humans unless in danger, but this is a clear provocation that we can’t ignore.

“Last night, and no one was hurt,” Tor replies, anger vibrating in his voice.

“Tell me that we can kill the motherfuckers,” Colborn begs as he places his hands flat on the table.

“We cannot let a provocation like this go unanswered,” I state in anger, feeling the fury coursing through my body like molten lava.

“We are not going to, but we can’t go out there and kill all the Desperados or we will be going to jail,” Tor says as he brings his fist down in frustration on the table, which makes a threatening cracking noise. The solid oak table holds.

“What’s the plan?” Einar asks.

“That’s why we are here. We need to stop these motherfuckers. They need to realize that we are not going to bend down to their threatening tactics. Therefore, I was thinking that we separate into two teams. Each team takes one of their hotspots and tears the fucking place down.” The Desperados have small businesses throughout Cape Town where they deal their drugs from. We will retaliate the same way they retaliated against us.

“What if there are members at these hotspots?” Haldor asks.

“Then you make them pay for what they have done.”

Yeah, Tor’s words are received with a grunt of pleasure from most of the men because we have all been waiting for this.

He continues, “You need to be smart; we have the layouts of every place. Make sure you know where the cameras are. I don’t want your fucking asses in jail.”

I grunt in reply. Now more than ever, I need to keep my smarts about me because I can’t afford to be away from my woman for any long period of time.

Elementals can’t be away from their mates for long periods of time without touching because it becomes mentally and physically painful for the couple. Now that our souls have been bonded, we need constant interaction because we are two parts of one soul. The thought has me thinking about Esmeralda and the fact that if she finds out that Wheels and Inks was burned down, she will be blaming herself.

“We need to keep this quiet; I don’t want my woman finding out about the fire, or she will be blaming herself.”

Some nod, others grunt in agreement.

“How is she integrating into being here? I see that she keeps to your room most of the time,” Garth asks.

I shrug. Even though everyone around this table has a very different personality and we fight all the time, we have been together for centuries, and stand together no matter what or who comes between us. My brothers have all been concerned about me in their own ways, so I know that I have an obligation to tell them how Esmeralda is because they are at war due to our union.

“Those fuckers did a number on her. She does not trust anyone, and is certain that we have an ulterior motive for having her here.” There is no need to tell them about my woman’s scars, about what those fuckers did to her body. “She doesn’t understand why we are helping her, and blames herself for the other women’s kidnappings as they had her finding the women and bringing them in to the gang.”

“Shit,” Garth says in anger.

“If she finds out about the fire, she will think this is all about her,” I repeat, “I wish that son of a bitch was still alive, because I would love to take my time and make him pay for what he did to Esmeralda.” The hate I have for the Desperados’ previous leaders is consuming, but there is nothing I can do.

“I’ve been thinking,” Eirik says as he strokes his jaw in consideration as he looks at me.

“We don’t actually know for a fact that Sean is dead.” His words have every fibre in my body roaring in hope.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal