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Yes, now I remember. This one is Freya, and the one that just arrived is Anastasia.

“I have never been woken up like this before, it’s really nice. Thank you,” I say only to see both women glance at each other.

“No one has ever made you breakfast in bed before?” Anastasia questions.

I shake my head as I take a bite of my toast. I know this won’t last for ever, but I’m going to enjoy this little treat for all it’s worth. It’s the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me, and she will never know how much I appreciate it.

Instead of answering, I shake my head as I continue eating.

“Well, I think you will love it here then. Freya is always surprising me with breakfast in bed. To be fair, I just think she wants to irritate Camilla so that she can wash more dishes.”

“Nonsense,” Freya says with a laugh.

“Sure,” Anastasia quips with a wink.

“Who is Camilla?” Both women look at each other again before Freya answers.

“Camilla helps around the club.” It sounds like Freya doesn’t like Camilla.

“I can help Camilla while I’m here.” I don’t expect to be staying here for free. I can understand that they will need me to do something as soon as I get up.

“Nonsense! Camilla is more than capable to do some chores. Besides, she has Monica and Tracy to help,” Anastasia says with a frown.

“You don’t sound like you like them,” I say cautiously, trying not to get involved in any conflict that there might be here.

“No. Actually, we are fine as long as they keep away from our men.” Oh, now I understand what this is all about.

“To be fair, they haven’t made a move on Ulrich or Dane since Tor set down the law.” I remember hearing Dag speaking to Tor when I was still hiding and know that he is their leader here at the club. Are the other men also elementals like Dag? And if yes, do the women know? I lay down my fork with a happy smile. My wrist is killing me, but my stomach is nice and full, something that it hasn’t been for a very long time.

“Do you know where Dag has the haversack I had?” I need to get my clothes, so that I can change and get up.

“Do you mean that one?” Anastasia asks as she points to it on the ground near the wall.

Seeing the haversack, I sigh. Everything I own is in there.

“Great. Now I can get up and change,” I say as I start to move the tray to my side one handed. But Freya quickly stands to take away my tray.

“Anastasia, will you run Esmeralda a nice bath? I will help her with her clothes,” Freya says.

“Sure,” Anastasia says, making her way towards the door at the end of the bed. I have never had anyone run me a bath, make me breakfast, or even want to be my friend. What could they possibly want from me?

“Umm, it’s okay I can do that,” I say hurrying to get out of bed. But the minute I stand, my head starts to spin, and I fall back down.

“Just take it easy, Esmeralda. Let us help you.”

Anastasia’s sincere expression has my heart racing in uncertainty, but a minute later I nod. I don’t know what they might want from me, but for now, there is nothing I can do. I just hope that I’m not making a mistake by staying here and accepting what they are offering.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal