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“Mmm, the whole day is it?” she quips with a naughty grin, “what about food?”

“I will have to keep you too busy to think about food,” I tease as my lips crash down on hers, enjoying the kiss until she suddenly snaps her head back.

“Oh, I have to tell you what I found.” At her excited statement I groan, which has her slapping my chest playfully. “I found a company that is linked to various containers that are always checked by the same inspector in Dubai.”

“Great, do you know if there are any future containers booked for them?” I slide up on the bed, my back against the headboard as I see her sit up too, her hands pulling the sheet up with her to cover her beautiful body. I sense that she is still shy with her body around me, I will have to convince her that her body is the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen and covering it is a sacrilege.

“Are you listening to me?” she asks when she sees the grin on my face.

“Umm, yes of course.” To be honest I didn’t hear what she said last as my mind was on her body, I better concentrate, this is important.

“Anyway, the ones I found have mostly all gone but there are those three that I mentioned.”

“Which three?”

“I knew you weren’t listening,” she mutters as she elbows me.

“Which three?” I ask again, my concentration fully on the conversation now.

“There is a container leaving in the next three days, one in two weeks’ time and one in two months’ time.”

“Do you have all the information for the one that is leaving in the next three days? Does it say what it is supposed to be carrying?” I will need to tell the others. If this information turns out to be solid then we might be able to close down the shipping venue that they are using to traffic the women.

“That is what first caught my attention, all of them say bike parts.” At her statement I frown, “and do you know why that is suspicious?” I shake my head at her question, “because it’s supposed to be a medical company sending the containers.”

“Interesting,” I murmur, maybe this is what we have been looking for.

“But that isn’t the interesting part about it,” she says as she leans back and folds her arms across her lap, turning her head to look at me. “There are more containers like those going out, but they are going to Russia.” At her statement, I tense.

“Damn, that means that they can be taking the women anywhere in Europe.” When it was the containers in Dubai, we thought that maybe we would be able to find some of the women if it was just in Dubai but if we start thinking that they are taking the women in through Russia and then transporting them anywhere in Europe we will never be able to find them. “What is the name of the medical company?”

“KER Medical Supplies.”

“You are kidding me?” She shakes her head with a grin.

“Nope, and I looked but KER doesn’t seem to stand for anything except of course if you think of Keres which you had said some of them might still be behind the kidnappings and trafficking,” she says as she taps my leg.

“Fuck, the others are going to love this,” I mutter sarcastically, thinking of their reaction when we tell them that the fucking Keres have practically been hiding in plain sight.

“What does Ker Medical Supplies do?” I ask with a raised brow.

“Well, I only know what the website says, and that says that they supply all hormonal and pregnancy tablets and tests.” She leans forward, turning so that she can be facing me, “but you are going to love what their slogan is.” At her grin, I already know that it will be something that will just piss me off. “Enriching women’s lives.”

I lift both my hands and rub my face in frustration thinking how the bastards purposefully challenge us, they know that sooner or later we would find them and this is a slash at us as if to say, ‘we have been telling you all along you just didn’t see it.’

“It might be a dead end, but I thought there was quite a lot of coincidence for there not to be anything behind it.”

“It’s them,” I state as I slide out of bed, “let’s shower, we need to update the others.”

“How do you know?” she asks as she continues sitting on the bed looking at me, I see her eyes traveling over my naked body her cheeks flushing in pleasure. If it wasn’t for the urgency of telling the others about what Anastasia has found out and organizing for us to stop that container in the next three days, I would be making sweet passionate love to her right now but that will have to wait until after we have updated the others and have an action plan in place.

“It is just like a fucking Keres to challenge us from the darkness with their innuendos.” I shrug in frustration. We will most probably find there are more of those stupid hints, but it’s difficult to follow a hint when we don’t know what game they are playing. “We are going to have to find out who the owners of the company are, and you will find that it will be another web trying to get to the bottom of that.”

“Maybe if I go into the office, I will be able to go through the paperwork and see if there are any signatures that we might follow up on.”

“No,” I state turning around I make my way into the bathroom.

“What do you mean no? You do know that I can go back anytime I want to, don’t you?” Looking over my shoulder, I see Anastasia standing in the doorway with the sheet wrapped around her and a frown on her face.

“Yes, you can go back anytime but you are not going to because it is dangerous.”

“I can’t live in fear my whole life,” she mutters, “and it might help, besides I need to go in any way to let Mr. Smith know what happened.” Her persistence is starting to heat up my blood, I want to be understanding but I am not going to let her go back into a situation that got her kidnapped in the first place.

“We will be fine without that information; we can get it some other way,” I state as I step into the shower, “are you coming in?” I ask, I see her tensed body and features, but then she nods.

“We shall see,” she murmurs softly, but I hear her, and the tone of her voice tells me that she is planning something. Well, she can plan as much as she wants but she won’t be going back to her old life.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal