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Chapter One



I shift in my seat for the hundredth time today. I wish...well, I wish a lot of things. That I was a different person, that these things didn’t make me so uncomfortable, that I wouldn’t embarrass my best friend with my goofiness.

"You're going to do fine, Milly. Just be yourself. People will love you; trust me."

I wish I was as sure of that as Rani is. But as I stand waiting for everyone else to show up, I can't muster much hope. Especially not when the first person to show up at Rani's house isn't Charlie but Tinsley Abraham. She hates me.

I don't understand why but for some reason ever since we had a class together during our first year of high school, she’s made it her personal mission in life to make my life hell. I was really hoping it would be Charlie. He likes me. He's been dating Rani, my best friend for a year now - I think it's been longer, but they kept it on the down-low because Rani just turned eighteen last year.

Charlie is older - like a lot older than us. He's been a cop for several years, but he's always been sweet to me, letting me hang out with him and Rani and not making a big deal out of me being their third wheel. Most of the guys that are coming this weekend are friends of Charlie's and the rest are Rani's friends. I have my suspicions about why they might want us all around.

"Why are you here? No one invited you." Rani just comes out and asks Tinsley why she's here. I don't think I would have the balls to just call someone out like that but Rani has no problem with it.

"Actually, someone did invite me. Roy's girlfriend is one of my good friends and she asked me to come." She gives Rani a smirky look. "Did you think you were the only one who could date a cop when you just graduated high school? Really Rani."

I lean closer to Rani. "Which one's Roy?"

"He's...they all kind of feel sorry for him. Trinity might not be so bad for him. She's outgoing and he’s not." She seems to be talking more to herself than to me.

Another car pulls up and this time Charlie hops out of the passenger side. Oh thank God, maybe we can leave now. He comes over to kiss Rani passionately and I shift further away from them so they can have some privacy. The guy driving the jeep also gets out.

"How's my favorite girl?"

"Better now that you're here."

I fight back a sigh. They are so cute.

"Look who I brought." Charlie turns to the new guy. "I got him here just like I said I would."

"Jag!" Rani shouts at the guy clearly happy to see him. "Jag, come over here. I want to introduce you to my best friend." Oh shit! I do not want to do this.

The guy couldn't get any hotter. I mean he is seriously sexy. And I’ yoga pants with an oversized sweater hiding pretty much any shape I might have had. Before I can even take all of him in Tinsley is intercepting him.

"Hi. I don't think we've met before. I'm Tinsley."

"And not my best friend." Daaammnn! Rani can be cruel when she wants to, but I can't say Tinsley didn't deserve it trying to waylay the poor man as Rani was trying to talk to him. That's just rude.

Suddenly startlingly blue eyes land on me and make me feel like a bug caught in a spotlight. Rani jabs me with her elbow jostling me enough to break the spell I've been put under by those eyes. "Hi!" God, I'm talking too loud. "I need to go check on the, um, bags to make sure we have everything."

Without stopping to think, I turn around and run for the safety of Rani's house. Before long, Rani comes looking for me. "What the hell, Milly? Why'd you just bail on us?"

I think about telling her that I'm not going this weekend. That something came up and I can't make it but if I'm right about why they want everyone to come than I would kick myself if I missed it. I'm pretty sure Charlie plans to purpose this weekend.

"I...I don't know. I guess I just got nervous."

"Jag won't bite you." She giggles but the image she puts in my head leaves me blushing hard. Why does my dirty mind have to go there with this stranger? "I really want you guys to be friends since you're my best friend and Jag is Charlie's."

Oh crap!

"I...I'll try to be more social, Rani."

I make the promise, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep it. How do you even talk to someone as hot as he is? The guy looks like he should be a movie star, not a cop. In fact, his nickname from now on is ‘Hot Cop’. It's how I'll keep him separated from all the other people I meet this weekend.

Somehow, I stay busy until everyone shows up and we're ready to leave. Charlie rented three SUV's to transport everyone to the cabin we will be staying at. I crawl into the back just as Charlie's friend gets in on the other side. Before I can close the door, Tinsley is at my side.

Tags: Jisa Dean The Last Snow of the Season Erotic