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“I’m sure it looks stunning on you.” I walked to her in the entryway then circled my arms around her. Her hips were a perfect place to rest my arms as I held her petite waist.

“You’d say that if I were just in a thong.”

“And I would mean it.” I kissed her on the mouth and felt the heat scorching through my veins. Even a simple kiss, a closed-mouth one, still got me hard. My hands moved to her ass, and I gripped her cheeks. I wanted to fuck her right against the wall, to claim her as my woman for the thousandth time.

Rome pressed her hands to my chest and stepped away. “I think we should wait until tomorrow.”

What the hell was she talking about? “Wait for what?”

“You know, wait until after the wedding to have sex.”

My eyes narrowed in displeasure.

“It’ll make it more special.”

“It’ll already be special,” I said with a growl.

“Come on, Calloway.” She moved back into my chest and rested her forehead against mine.

We’d already screwed before marriage, so why did we have to wait now? But if it was important to her, I suppose I could wait one more day. “After we say I do, I’m in charge, alright?”

“Fine by me.” She looked up at me, smiling now that she was getting her way.

“And that means lots of sex.”

“I’m not gonna argue with you.”

“Good. Because we both know you’d lose every argument.” I kissed her again, and when the feel of her tongue made me harder, I pulled away. If I couldn’t get any action, there was no point in torturing myself.

“So, do you want to go see your mom today?”

I knew it was going to come up at some point. “I don’t know…probably just bum me out.”

“I think she should be there.”

“Even if I talked to her today and tell her who I am, she’s not gonna remember tomorrow.”

When Rome bowed her head, I knew she agreed with me. If my mother had other problems, we could make it work. But if she never remembered anything from the previous day, no progress would ever be made. “I’ll stop by and see her before the wedding. It only takes me five minutes to get ready anyway.”

“Yeah…that would be nice. I would go too but—”

“We shouldn’t see each other before the wedding.” I wasn’t a traditional kind of guy, but I understood the basics. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Are you sure? We could see her afterward.”

“I know exactly what I want to do after the wedding—and it’s not visit my mother.” I placed a kiss on her forehead and stepped away. “We’re leaving for our honeymoon, and nothing is getting in the way of that.”

Rome couldn’t contain her excitement. She pressed her lips tightly together like she was trying to stop herself from letting out a scream. Her eyes were nearly double in size so that was a dead giveaway. “Drinks on the beach and visits to the spa…”

“And lots of lovemaking in our bungalow.” I was taking Rome to the Caribbean, where we would be staying in our private bungalow over the water. The privacy would allow me to stare at her tits while she swam in our own pool.

“It’s gonna be amazing.” She moved into my body and wrapped her arms around my waist. “I’m so excited.”

“Me too.” I wasn’t just excited for the awesome trip we were about to take. I was excited that I was sharing my life with this incredible woman. When I was old and gray, I wouldn’t have to sit on a balcony alone and stare out into the gardens. I would be surrounded by my wife and kids—my world.



I walked onto the patio in my suit and tie. My shoes were shiny because they were brand-new, and I’d ordered this custom suit for our special occasion. I wouldn’t wear it again after today. Like a woman with her wedding dress, I would hang it up in my closet and keep it for sentimental reasons.

I didn’t care if that made me a pussy.

I took a seat with my mom, the same paperback tucked under my arm. She looked exactly the same way she did every other day. Her hair was short and curled, and she’d lengthened her eyelashes to make them thick and long. She wore a white blouse with dark jeans, looking just as classy as she did when she still retained her memory.

I introduced myself for the zillionth time.

She eyed my tie, her eyes focusing on the silk fabric. “You look very handsome, Calloway. A little dressed up to visit an old woman like me.”

I smiled. “You don’t look old to me, Theresa.” One of these days, I would slip up and accidentally call her Mom. I wondered what her reaction would be.

“You’re a sweet, man. What’s today?”


“You’re dressed like that and spending the day with some woman on a Saturday?” She chuckled. “Boy, you need to get a life.”

Tags: Victoria Quinn Obsidian Billionaire Romance