Page 92 of Reese

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Imanage to get out of the house without waking any of the guys. We’ve been training non-stop to get us all ready for what’s to come, so they need to sleep when they can.

That’s what I should be doing now too, but I’m so restless and agitated that I gave up, worried my tossing and turning was going to disturb the others.

I was only planning on making a drink and sitting out on the deck, given the early hour, but a call from Hank changed my plans.

“The alarm is going off at the gym again. I can handle it on my own, I just wanted to let you know after you bitched me out last time.”

“I bitched you out because you didn’t know it was a downed tree when you went to investigate.”

“Malice, the alarm has gone off a dozen times before and I’ve managed just fine without you.”

“Humor me. I’m up anyway, so I might as well come check it out. Did you check the cameras?”

“Yep, all clear. They caught a hooded figure throwing what looks to be a brick through the glass before they ran off. They will forward a copy to the cops. So, as you can see, it’s not something I can’t handle on my own.”

“I’m not saying you can’t, but you won’t. I’ll meet you there in ten.” I hang up before he can argue any further with me, the stubborn man.

We’d closed down the gym the night of the first fight, but when nothing happened, I figured it was just my paranoia at work. But now I’m not so sure.

I get dressed in sweats in the bathroom before leaving a note for the guys in case they wake up before I get back. I snag the keys to the truck and head straight to the gym, promising myself a fancy coffee from the local café once I’ve dealt with all this. Something tells me I’m going to need all the caffeine I can get today.

It’s quiet out, which isn’t a surprise given the hour. This part of town is mostly made up of warehouses, so it isn’t until I get closer to the center of the city that I notice other businesses beginning to set up for the day.

I pull up behind the gym and park in the staff area before climbing out and heading inside, switching off the alarm as I go. I don’t bother to rearm it, knowing Hank will be here any moment. In fact, I’m surprised I beat him here.

I flick on the lights, checking everything and finding nothing out of place before I head to Hank’s office. The door is ajar, so I push it open carefully and chuckle when I see Hank sitting in his chair with his back to me.

“I wondered how I beat you here. Did you park out front? Smart move by the way, rearming the alarm until we figure out what’s going on.

I walk toward him, frowning when he doesn’t answer. My blood turns cold as my gaze lands on the edge of his chair. Blood.


He still doesn’t answer, so I spin his chair around slowly and curse when I find him slumped over with his eyes closed and blood running down his face.

“Fuck!” I press my fingers to his pulse and take a deep, steadying breath when I feel it pumping rapidly.

Yanking my cell from my pocket, I dial 911 and tell them what’s happened before hanging up and dialing Law.

“What’s wrong?” he answers, sounding wide awake.

“Someone attacked Hank at the gym. The police are coming, but—”

“I’m on my way. Where are the guys?”

“At home. They were still asleep when I left. I didn’t want to wake them. Hank thought it was kids,” I whisper, my fingers refusing to move from Hank’s neck, just in case.

“Don’t worry about that now. I’ll call the guys, and we will get to you as soon as we can.”


He hangs up as I stare at Hank’s pale face. On autopilot, I dial the next number and wait for them to pick up.

“Not all of us get up at stupid o’clock to work out,” Sugar answers, sounding a mix of sleepy and pissed.

“Someone broke into the gym and attacked Hank.”

Tags: Candice Wright Erotic