Page 26 of Reese

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The breath rushes out of me as Graves holds me in place, his hands circling my wrists and lifting them above my head.

He isn’t hurting me, which is the only reason I don’t break his hold. The second he does, I’ll break more than his hold. Right now, I’m more curious than anything. That and turned on. Maybe Lollie is right. I need to get laid.

“You belong to either of them?” His deep voice comes out as a growl, making my nipples pebble in reply.

“I belong to no one.”

His head dips, and he breathes deeply.

“But you want to, don’t you?” he whispers like he knows me when he has no fucking clue.

“You get that in the three minutes we’ve been acquainted?”

His thigh slides between my legs and rubs against my pussy.

“Nah, I got that from the fact you’re not screaming, and your pussy is so hot it’s burning my leg.”

I press my lips against the shell of his ear and whisper, “I’m not screaming because I don’t need someone to come rushing to my rescue. I can rescue my damn self.”

And with that, I execute one of the self-defense moves I’ll be teaching. I slip out of his hold before moving behind him and twisting one of his arms up his back.

Now it’s Graves that’s pressed against the door.

“Your move.”

I don’t expect him to do anything, so I’m shocked when he spins around and sweeps my leg out from under me. I hit the floor a second before he straddles me and lowers his head so that his lips are a fraction from mine.

“You’ll scream for me.”

I slip my hand between us and grab his balls and squeeze hard enough for him to register the threat but not enough to actually cause him pain. Yet.

“One of us will scream, but it won’t be me.”

He grins like a fucking psycho before his mouth is on mine, and I forget I’m lying on the bathroom floor and will need to shower in bleach after.

I forget everything except the taste of this stranger and the bizarre power he seems to wield over my body.

When the door opens, we both freeze.

“Shit. Sorry, but I really need to pee,” a voice apologizes as I turn my head and feel Graves laugh against me.

He climbs off me and offers me his hand, which I take after glaring at him for a minute.

“Really sorry. If you just give me two minutes, I’ll be out of your way, and you can—”

I cut off the pretty blonde woman with a shake of my head and a smile. “It’s fine. You saved me from making a colossal mistake.”

She looks me over before lifting her eyes to Graves.

“Some mistakes are so fun to make, though.” She sniggers before locking herself in one of the stalls.

“Come on. We can talk about this somewhere else,” Graves tells me, my hand still in his as he tugs me out the door and toward the fire exit.

“Graves, stop. Don’t make me kick your ass.”

He turns with a smirk, but it drops when he takes in the look on my face.

Tags: Candice Wright Erotic