Page 25 of Reese

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I hurry away and don’t look back, feeling oddly rattled. It’s not like me to react so strongly to someone. Sure, I’m drooling over Blink and Vega, but I already know them. I’ve never been drawn in by a handsome face without knowing more about the person. I’m intimately familiar with wolves in sheep’s clothing.

I push my way into the bathroom, surprised there isn’t a line outside. I walk to the sink and splash cold water on my face and wrists, hoping whatever is going on with my libido calms the fuck down before I turn into a dog in heat and start dry-humping random strangers.

It’s bad enough trying to figure out what Blink and Vega are up to. I know they both want me. They haven’t been discreet, and they haven’t been hiding it from each other either. They don’t seem to mind when the other one is touching me.

I think of Dulce and her guys, and the guys in the Carnage and Chaos MCs, who share their women, and wonder if that’s where this is going. If so, is it just for a night, or do they want more?

“God, I’m acting like a girl.”

I pull out my cell phone and dial Lollie. She picks up after the second ring.

“Hey, Reese, hold on a sec.”

There’s a pause, and I can hear her talking to someone in the background. Sweetie, you need to pretend you are sucking a peach, not eating a bowl of dog food.”

I snort when she comes back with a groan.

“Tough day?”

“It’s like they aren’t even trying. This guy makes me feel as if I’m the snack in a zombie invasion, and the last one gave head like a spin cycle on a washing machine. Anyway, enough about me and my woes. What’s wrong? Is Charlie okay?”

“Charlie is fine. I’m on a case, but I’m heading back tonight to let him out and feed him.”

“Ooh, new case. Anything juicy?”

“The case itself is bad, Lollie, but I don’t have much to go on yet. That’s not what’s giving me a migraine or why I’m calling.”

“You need to get laid,” Lollie throws out.

“Well, it’s funny you should say that because I have a potential sausage convention to attend where I’d be the sole taste tester.”

“Then what the hell are you doing calling me?”

“I’m trying not to complicate things. This could get really messy.”

“God, I hope so,” Lollie replies. “Tell me they’re hot.”

“Oh yeah, that’s not the issue.”

“Then get off the damn phone and let the speleologists into your lady cave. Tell them to beware of cobwebs since it’s been a while.”

“Fuck off. I knew I should have called Dulce. And I do not have a dusty cave,” I shout as the door opens. A woman looks at me oddly before backing out.

I hang up on Lollie and shake my head. I have nobody to blame but myself. I could have called anyone. But I called Lollie, knowing she’d give me the green light. I stare at my reflection and blow out a breath. That’s exactly why I called her over the others.

I wasn’t lying. Sex will complicate things. It always does. These men are not marks I’m using. I can’t fuck them and run. I’ll have to face the consequences every day I’m here.

Still, even knowing that, my body pulses with the almost violent urge to offer myself up on a silver platter.

“You need to get a fucking grip,” I mutter before pulling myself together and heading toward the door.

I pull the door open and find myself looking up into a pair of icy blue eyes seconds before I’m pushed back inside, spun around, and pinned to the door.

Tags: Candice Wright Erotic