Page 8 of Lilies and Lies

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It’s been a week and the time is up on Lily’s answer. As if she really had a choice. Not with the way I’ve been planning this.

All my actions since the moment she walked into my office with her father have been designed for me to own every single fucking inch of her. I want it all.

I want her heart. I want her mind. I want her soul. I want her body, wrapping all of her up in a perfect package, one which is all mine.

Last week when she was in my office and I made her the offer, it took her a few moments to get herself together. It was adorable and endearing as hell how I could see the cogs of her brain working, trying to figure out if I was serious and what my true endgame is.

It’s why I wasn’t surprised when a fire sparked in her eyes and her voice was accusing, “You just want to add to your family’s power.”

Her tone wasn’t sweet, but her voice was, and I found my cock jerking in my slacks. She was good at hiding behind a mask and adapting to the situation. It was clear in that moment what Giovanni Scavo never recognized—she is a fucking queen.

My queen.

“No,Gattina,” my voice had a husky note to it, my arousal threading through each word, “I have no real use for the Scavo businesses.” I arched an eyebrow at her in challenge. “I’m sure you’re aware my family could buy and sell yours many times over, but we have never had need to push others out of business and instead have chosen to work together with certain people when we could have easily overtaken instead.”

She scoffed, “Are you saying my father’s business has existed by the grace of the Agosti family all this time?”

I felt a feral grin on my lips. “At my grace, yes.” She blinked at me, and I found myself chuckling. My kitten. “However, power is not what I’m after.”

There was a hesitance to her voice, “Then what are you after?”

I stared into her brown eyes, getting lost in the dark swirl of them for a moment, wanting to reach out and wrap myself up in the darkness she probably wasn’t even aware existed in her. The truth of us zapped between us, lighting me up. It did the same to her, I could see it in the way her breathing picked up and deepened. Still, she never looked away from me.

I fell in love with her even more and a moment of regret slammed into me. I realized if she ever found out the truth, of how she came to me, the depth of my obsession and my planning, I could lose her. Unless I showed her the darkness was her weapon and her shroud.

“You.” One word held so much power and as I laid it at her feet, it was full of truth. “I want you, Lily. I’ve wanted you since the moment you walked into the meeting with your father. I want all of you, make no mistake,” I interrupted her when it looked like she was going to interject, “I’m going to start with having your body and you’ll become my wife.” I shrugged one shoulder as if I hadn’t been watching her or masterminded every moment since then. As if having all of her, including her heart, isn’t my ultimate goal. “This is the perfect opportunity to get exactly what I want.” I leaned forward, “I’m the kind of man who will push an advantage when I need to.”

I let the inherent threat in my words hang between us. As I watched the emotions in my Lily’s eyes, one thing I did not see there was fear. I saw excitement, curiosity, and resignation.

“I need time to think about your offer,” her voice was a whisper, and I could tell how hard she was working to make it sound strong instead of breathless. I knew the truth because in the time I’ve been watching her, I’ve learned my Lily. She wanted me. “I’m sure you can understand why,” there was a challenge in her voice, a much better cover to her desire.

I chuckled darkly. “Of course, my Lily,” I let the endearment slip from my lips only to watch her eyes dilate, the darkness growing, my own rising in kind. “You have one week. If you do not come to me before your week is up, then I will come to you.”

She sat up straighter, jutting her perfect tits out like a sacrifice. “Even in a week, I may not agree to your proposal.”

I felt danger flash across my features. “You will agree. You won’t be able to help yourself. You feel this between us just as much as I do.”

She stared at me for a long moment, but then she stood, turned and strutted out of my office like she fucking owned it. She might have thought she was faking it, but the truth was she did own it. Everything I am, everything I’ve scraped together and earned in blood is hers. Always has been, without me even knowing it, and it always will be.

When I slide out of the car, I meet Tazio D’Angeli after he climbs out of the driver’s seat, as we take in the building my woman lives in. Tazio is one of the family’s enforcers and people underestimate his shorter stature all the time. It’s a mistake for them to do so, a deadly one. The man has more blood on his hands than I do, which is saying something. His loyalty has never been in question and he’s ruthless as fuck.

He's the perfect person to have at my side.

What’s a little intimidation between fiancés?

“Are you sure this is a good idea, boss?”

Considering there’s more curiosity than judgement in Tazio’s voice, I let it slide. I do shoot him a warning glance which has him smirking at me. He’s lucky he grew up with us and was destined to this life or else I would be tempted to kill him. He’s much more valuable to me alive.

“I’m more than sure.” I take a deep breath and try and settle the ragged parts of me which has been trying to break free over the last week. I didn’t think she was going to come to me willingly, but I had a sliver of hope she would. It makes no difference to me in the end. I snarl, “Lily Scavo is mine.”

He nods once and then follows close behind me as we make our way past the doorman who is smart enough not to try and stop me. If he did…well, that’s exactly why I brought Tazio with me, though his middle name isn’t exactly diplomacy, he gets the job done. When I get to the elevator, I’m not sure if I’m relieved my reputation proceeds me or if I’m pissed because it means anyone with a swinging dick and some dangerous energy could have gotten to my girl.

It doesn’t matter, she’s going to be safe from now on.

Tags: Ember Davis Romance