Page 60 of Two Gushers

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Sitting in the prep room waiting for nurses to come in and get me ready for the c-section, I’m feeling grateful for my men and these kiddos. Since I found out that we’re having twins, yes twins, crazy right?

Anyway, since I found out about having twins, the guys have been at my beck and call, helping me with anything that I could possibly ever need. They bring me food, take me on walks, and make me laugh.

A couple months back, we all went shopping for baby furniture. At the time, all we knew is that we’re having twins so we were picking out two of the same items for each of them, not agreeing on some choices. We decided not to buy anything just yet.

Last month, the guys came with me for my last ultrasound check-up. On the monitor, the technician points out very specific body parts. One came with a penis, and the other did not. Ecstatic that we know the sexes, we got the baby furniture together and it’s in their rooms, ready and waiting.

The girl gets a white crib with pink frills and butterflies. Painting her room a light shade of pink, Jason sets everything up as I get a pink car seat that would fit into a twin system stroller.

The boy gets the same seat but only in denim. Ken’s painting his room light blue with whale stamps and his crib is mahogany. Everything else is according to the child.

Giving me a start as the nurses come in for prep, I place a hand on my chest. “Oh, hello. Are you ready to meet your children today?” one of them asks me.

I nod my head as my nerves take over my system, shifting into high gear. “Yes, I am ready to pop.”

Preparing me for the c-section, they help me slip into a hospital gown, replacing my own clothing. They set an IV in my arm, to keep me hydrated during the procedure. Once I’m ready, the anesthesiologist comes in to place the spinal block so that I can still be awake as the twins come out.

I’m laying back and being wheeled into a room where Ken and Jason are waiting, wearing hospital gear. Both had huge nervous smiles and wave ‘hi’ to me.

Under the bright lights, I lose all feeling in my legs and bottom. The doc came in and places a line across my belly for the incision. The guys receive invites to come closer and watch as they begin the incision.

I watch them cut me open like I’m a fish. The doc gets his hands inside and I feel the pressure as he moves them around. He finally pulls one child from my belly, handing it to a nurse. “This one’s a girl,” she calls over her shoulder.

He sticks his hands in again and I feel more pressure as he digs through the insides of my belly. He pulls out the boy, who is already wailing. Jason is crying and kissing my forehead while Ken rubs my arm. I watch a tear slip down his cheek as I move a hand up to wipe it. He looks at me, his eyes overflow with the wonder of birth.

We name the boy, who has blonde hair, Mason Gabriel and the dark-haired girl, is given the name of Samantha Grace.

After a two-day stay in the hospital, me and the babies are finally at home. My husbands have everything ready to go and each takes a child, rocking it in their arms. I am ordered to go take a hot bath and lay down for a while.

I enjoy being able to sit back in the warm water. I close my eyes, listening to the sounds of life happening just outside my door. A new life with babies and husbands and new schedules.

I didn’t schedule anything for the last semester so that I could be ready for the delivery. Both Ken and Jason have paternity leave for six weeks to get to know their children and help get into a new routine.

As I step from the tub into the bedroom, I couldn’t hear a noise. I put some comfy clothes on that are still a little tight. Ugh! I shake my head, knowing I’ll lose the pounds. Crawling up on the bed, I fall fast asleep.

A few months later, we’re moving along our new paths, happy with our lives. School is in session again, and I’m hard at work, learning the skills for accounting, forensic style. The guys are back at work and love coming home to me and the kids, which are healthy and the best part of our love.

Feeling a little weary, I check on the babies napping and I head to my bedroom to lay down for a bit before the guys get home.

I didn’t wake up until the bed moves as Jason lays next to me, kissing my neck. “You’re the most amazing woman I’ll ever know.”

Ken is on the other side of me, caressing my curves. I watch him as he watches his hand follow the curve of my hip. “You know, Tamara,” he says, “I didn’t think I would have love again. Now, I have you two, and another two from you. Four to love.”

I notice that the two of them are naked. “The babies are still asleep,” Jason says, running a finger over my lips.

They both take turns kissing me and rubbing their hands all over my body, a feeling I’ve been missing for quite some time. Jason shimmies my pants off and tenderly kisses the incision scar from the c-section. Sliding down, he treats me to the circling of my clit and fingering me gently, slowly. He sucks in my berry and shakes it slightly like a dog then rams his fingers quick and hard into my wet pussy.

Ken lifts my shirt and zeros in on the nipples. They aren’t hurting at the moment so I relax, enjoying the attention the guys are giving me. As he massages my tits, my nipples harden in his mouth and I feel an old, but familiar feeling rise up my spine. The tingles alone send me over the edge as I come easily and quickly, moaning with pleasure.

I pass it off to being inactive for the last four months. The guys do a sixty-nine, licking and sucking each other’s hard cocks. Poor things, they’ve been missing me, too and I’m so proud of them for keeping their promise to me about waiting until we all could have sex together. ‘Solidarity’ they say.

I watch them enjoying each other, taking full dicks in and sucking them, moaning, groaning. Ken breaks off and crawls to me, sticking his hot rod into my pussy. Leaning forward he begins thrusting into me. Jason enters his ass and plunges into him deeply, grunting.

Ken thrusts in unison with Jason on the top, I feel so much welling up inside me that it hurts as I tense up. Shouting, I let go of an orgasm. I immediately regret shouting as we hear the cries of the babies in their cribs.

Ken and Jason wipe off and dress to get the babies. “I’m sorry guys,” I pout at the abrupt ending.

“We all enjoy our time together. It’s just going to take some time to get into a groove,” Ken says and Jason smiles that huge smile of his giving me a thumbs up.

And so it begins…

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