Page 59 of Two Gushers

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What a beautiful morning! I survey the grounds of our house looking for any discrepancies in the arrangement of things. It’s a sunny spring day early in May. Birds are flitting by and singing their songs.

It’s our wedding day.

It couldn’t be any more perfect. The white chairs are lined up nicely for our guests and the tent for the reception is almost up. Leaving the scene, I open the door for the florist. I chuckle because this is Ken’s old guy florist. I give him directions around to the back of the house to Jason.

Leaving things to the guys to get in place, I grab a glass of water and go back to the bedroom. It will serve as my waiting room for me and the bridesmaids. Entering the room I sit in the armchair in the corner, tucking my feet up under me.

I won’t be able to do this for much longer.

A soft knock raps on my door, pulling me away from my thoughts. My hairdresser is here to fix my hair.She peeks in, smiling, “Hi,” she says in her usual chipper voice. “Are you ready for today?”

“More than ready,” I say, rising to walk to the triple mirror vanity. As I plant my ass in the seat, I turn to her and smile. “Thanks for coming here today.”

“My dear, you are absolutely welcome. Is something new?” she curiously looks over my face.

“No, why?” I ask, fearful that my skin is not in great condition.

“It’s really nothing, but I do see a radiance in your face that wasn’t there before,” she backs off, picking up her tools. “Anyway, it adds to your beauty on such a day.

While she pulls my hair into a pinned back up-do, I watch through the window and see the progress being made. The white scarfs are now up atop the rented roman columns, with wisteria topping them. Lilies adorn the large vases at each side of the platform.

I chuckle inside about the flowers that we’re displaying. Our little secret.

“From here until the wedding time, I’m stuck in here so the guys can’t see me,” I make small talk with my hairdresser.

Another knock and the door opens as my bestie walks into the room. Jessy beams a huge smile full of perfectly white teeth. She jumps up and down full of excitement for me. “What a day. Thanks for letting me be a participant, you know I love you, Tamara,” she leans down to whisper in my ear. “I’m even more happy for you that you followed your heart on your own path.”

She steps aside to let the hairdresser finish. Spinning me around toward the mirror, the hairdresser says, “Wah-lah,” raising her hands into the air. Feeling beautiful, it’s amazing how quickly she changes my appearance by just moving my hair.

It’s absolutely gorgeous. Pinned up in a loose bun with little curls flowing out from it. In certain places, the flowers of baby’s breath stick out, in perfect line with my curls.

“It’s a masterpiece,” the hairdresser puts her arms around me, giving me a hug. “You deserve this Tamara.”

“Let me leave so that your friend can get you into that dress,” she eyes it cautiously. “I think they’re death traps personally.”

Once she leaves, Jessy helps me into the dress. It’s my favorite style, a mermaid look. I love the way it hugs my curves and the lace is impeccable with its iridescent trim shimmering in an array of colors when it moves in the light. The train goes four feet behind me.

The top of the dress is a little snug, but she can get it together without a hitch. My cleavage is hanging out more than I’d like, but the guys will enjoy it. Jessy leaves to get me more water and check how things are coming along.

Sitting down, I apply my make-up while listening to the hustle and bustle going on inside and outside. Guests will be arriving soon. I hope the guys are getting ready.

Jessy comes in with the fresh water and hands it to me. “I had the husbands stop and go inside to clean up and ready themselves. If you want, I can go supervise the remaining details?”

“That would be great, but don’t be late coming back here,” I say, sipping the cool water. As she leaves, I get my shoes and look at them. What was I thinking about getting four-inch heels for an outdoor wedding?”

I shake my head, pulling my dress hem up so I don’t trip or rip it. Going through my shoes, I land on a pair of two-inch lace white heels with a thicker block. I smile as I put them on because these are already broken in.

Jessy enters the room. “It’s time for your day to start,” she shakes her hands in excitement as a tear slides down her cheek. “I’m so happy for you!”

A tiny knock on the door is followed by the flower girl, Jason’s niece and then the photographer. She snaps a few pictures of me and the flower girl as she kisses me on the cheek and some of me and Jessy.

The last knock signals it’s finally time. We all step out into the main room. The music starts and the ring bearer holds his hand out for the flower girl to take. Together they walk up the aisle. Next is Jessy’s husband. He holds his arm out to guide her up the aisle. She takes it and kisses him on the cheek.

The march begins and both of my guys appear on either side of the doorway. They each look at me in awe. Jason holds his arm out and bows to me. I reply with a curtsy. Ken offers the same and bows. Again, I curtsy to him and then together as one, we head down the aisle.

Jason leans in and whispers in my ear, “I can’t wait to be with you and Ken forever. You’re more beautiful today than all those years prior.”

Overcome with emotion, a tear slips down my cheek. Ken catches it before it ruins my make-up. “You’re the only one besides Jason that I want to love ‘til the end of time.”

At the platform, the ceremony commences. After all the ‘I dos’ we turn to the audience that makes up the crew of the people we value the most. They begin to clap and I raise my hands for silence.

People hush, Jason and Ken are lost in what’s happening. “I’m pregnant.”

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic