Page 47 of Two Gushers

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When you first stir from sleep and you’re lying there in the darkness right before you open your eyes, is the only second in which you can choose to go back to sleep or get out of bed.

I chose wrongly.

As I open my eyes, the searing light forces its way into my head and it begins to throb with the most terrible pain I’ve ever felt. Ken is on one side of the bed and Jason’s on the other. I force a smile on my lips, to let them know I appreciate them.

“How are you?” Jason asks me as I’m still trying to come out of this painful fog. That’s one of the dumbest questions that ever gets out when you’re lying in a hospital bed. Of course, I’m not fucking okay or why else would I be in this crap bed?

I just shake my head. Making the pain worse.

The nurse comes in and asks what my pain level is. “Excruciating,” I respond with my lovely cracking voice, my throat hurts from dehydration.

“I’ll get you something to take the edge off,” she says and leaves.

Seeing that I’m trying to sit up a little, they guys help me through it. That’s when I see Larry, Moe and Curly in the back of the room, just waiting to ask me simple questions.

Simple my ass. Especially if I can’t remember anything.

The nurse comes in with a pitcher of water, a cup and straw, and a shot of morphine. “This will help the pain, but it will make you sleepy.”

“Also, I know you’re thirsty, but don’t gulp the water down, just sip it through the straw,” she leans in closer. “That’s so you don’t toss it up. I’ll be back to check on you in a bit,” eyeing everyone in the room, “and push that button if you need anything.”

She closes the door, but switches her gaze between the Keystone Cops and the guys. Man, she’s really protective of patient rights. My head is feeling less and less pain as I sip the water and the morphine sets to work, fogging up my mind.

“All right,” I say looking at the thunderous threesome dressed as cops. “Now do you believe me that I didn’t do any of this?” I set my water down and cross my arms.

Cop one looks down at his notebook and back at me with some remorse written on his face. The other two just stand there. What? Has cop three taken enough pictures? “We’re very sorry about that, Ms. Daniels. But right now, I’m afraid we do need to ask a few questions.”

Ken stands up and asks the group of them, “Can’t you do this another time?”

“Right? I mean, she just woke up from a terrible blow to her head,” Jason says and turns to look at me. “Right?”

I shake my head and tell him, “I just want this over with,” A tear slips from my eye and he brushes it away. “Okay, just take it slow.”

“Alright,” states cop one as he opens his notepad. “Can you tell us what happened, Ms. Daniels?”

I nod my head and pain flashes through my brain. “Ugh…” I hold a hand up to my head and close my eyes for a minute. “I don’t really remember much,” I say laying there with my eyes shut and another tear falling down my cheek.

I open my eyes and try to not move. “I received a call from someone who’s voice I didn’t recognize, but they said I needed to get to the field because an oilman was hurt,” I pause for a moment to swallow a sip of water.

Setting it back down, I continue. “I do remember feeling anxious with all the bullshit going on, but I went out to check the field. Next thing I remember, I’m here with this shit all over me. I woke up just a little bit ago.” Reaching for my cup, Ken hands it to me.

“Do you know anyone that would have cause to hurt you?” cop one asks the same question from the tire slashing event.

“The only person that I would point a finger at, is Charlotte, my boss’s wife. If you can call her that,” I say rather flippantly. “She was in my office yesterday demanding the ledgers and when I didn’t give them to her, she started yelling and throwing things at me. Then she threatened me,” I finish and take another sip of water.

Cop one looks at me concerned. And the nurse is definitely right about the water thing as my tummy begins to churn. “She told me that if I didn’t hand over the books, I wouldn’t see the light of another day.”

“We’ll look into it,” he says and then adds, “We’ll leave you to recover and let you know what we find out.” They all three turn to leave the room at the same time. Cop two trips on cop three’s feet, sending him to the floor. The Three Stooges, as cops playing out right in front of me. I start to laugh, but then stop because of the pain.

“I hope you get better quickly,” Ken sits on the side of the bed while Jason brings a chair over and sits down. I tried to call you and got worried when you didn’t answer.”

“Yeah, then he calls me…” Jason begins to say and I cut him off.

“What did he call you?” I try to joke, but the pain is so bad that I close my eyes and cry.

“Oh, Tamara. I’m so sorry that you’ve been the victim, more than anyone needs to be,” Ken offers. Brushing the tears from my cheeks.

Jason kisses me on the forehead and I open my eyes to have more tears fall down my face. “It’s coming to an end.”

The chime dings for all visitors to leave. They both kiss me and say good night, then leave the room. As they walk out the door, I realize that I love them, both of them.

I take one more sip of water and turn to my side, looking out the window at birds gliding in the air. My head throbs but the longer I watch the birds, the less I think. I fall asleep while watching them dip and flutter …around.


Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic