Page 46 of Two Gushers

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Jason returns with the usual report, still finding nothing. “Let’s get out there.” We both sigh and walk to the oil field to see what’s to be seen. Rounding a few of the rigs, nothing is seen.

Jason walks down one aisle as I take the next. Nothing here either.

We meet in the middle of the last aisle and Jason says, “I think I see something over there by the back rig.”

Running up to the rig, we find my worst fear..

Laying there, face down in a pool of her own blood, is Tamara. “Oh, Fuck!”

I stoop down and turn her over, but not before I see the huge gash in the back of her head. “Call the cops and an ambulance Jason. Hurry.”

Searching the surrounding area, I find a brick with some blood on it. “Damn it! Someone did this to her, get them here as fast as you can and I’ll start CPR. Lying her flat, I begin the compressions on her chest.

Jason finishes the call and immediately helps, taking over compressions. I breathe a couple breaths into her mouth as he continues pumping her chest. Sirens and lights are blaring enough to wake the dead. “C’mon, Tamara. Don’t go this way,” I say after another couple of breaths.

They load her into the ambulance once they’ve stabilized her neck.

I throw a punch at the nearest rig, connecting the blow with my fist.

“I fucking knew it!”

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic