Page 36 of Two Gushers

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So much shit has been hitting the fan. So. Much. Shit. Seeing Tamara, well possibly Tamara, on that video clip yesterday got my wheels spinning on her being the perp behind all this bull crap.

She’s here today after stomping out of here two days ago. Her entire demeanor is in the trash and she looks bent beneath the shit she’s carrying on her shoulders. She’s awfully quiet and the only person that I know she’s had a conversation with is Ken.

I go in search of Ken, around the outside and the building to talk with him about the new evidence and his take on it. Not seeing him anywhere means he’s in one place.

The bathroom.

He’s always is in there for a while. I say he needs more fiber to bust that shit out of his ass, so he’s not tied to a toilet seat. Taking another look at the field, I still don’t see him anywhere. Turning to head back to the building, my thoughts about Tamara’s involvement in this vandalism and embezzling scheme became more defined.

I can see some of the pieces come together and I’m sorry to say that it points to her. I shake my head about the mess. And I know she’s hurt from both me and Ken, not taking her side with the police the other day.

Silence from us. I hang my head knowing all we’ve been through with relationships and sex. That still isn’t figured out completely. It might not ever be right or going in the right direction.

Out from the heat of the afternoon, I spy Ken confirming my suspicions, only now leaving the bathroom. “Having more poop problems?” I ask him with a broad smile and pat him on the back.

“You know me,” he rubs his hands over his jeans to be sure they’re dry. “Never can tell if your hands are dry after using those towels. Maybe I should ask Tamara to order different ones.”

I rub my face and glance up at him. “Speaking of Tamara, I was going to ask your thoughts on the video image the other day.”

“I don’t know, Jason,” he shrugs his shoulders. “I personally think that she’s not involved.”

“Well, I still wonder if she’s involved in some manner,” I say as I check around for others that could be listening. “Too much points in her direction, if you catch my drift.”

“Yeah, I do,” he rubs his hands together. “But aren’t we innocent until proven guilty?”

“Yes, that’s how it’s supposed to be. But not anymore. It’s more like you're guilty and have to prove your innocence.” I say to him, “I mean I wouldn’t know her motive for doing some of these things and the only conclusion that’s worth any merit and talking about is that she has access to all of these things.”

“Just because she has access doesn’t mean that she uses it for her own good,” Ken looks at me with a dead-eye stare. “I’m telling you; she’s not doing any of this bullshit.”

I look at my shoes and put my hands in my pockets. “Look, man, all I’m saying is don’t automatically believe her.”

“Jason, with that statement you’re already making her guilty and just because those things point to her, doesn’t mean it seals her fate,” he’s making a point that rings true on some level.

I don’t want to believe the worst in her. But if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck? It’s a duck, right? It can’t be any other thing. “I know, and I don’t really want to think these things.” I pull my hands over my face and through my hair.

“Then just stop, man,” he says to me with pleading eyes. “She’s been hurt enough, by others and by us.”

“I used to suspect you; you know?” I ask him to see if he knows that’s what I’m about.

He nods his head. “Yep, I figured you out the day you almost got into a fight with me. I wanted to rip your head off your neck and toss it into an oil well.”

“Really? That bad, huh?” he chuckles at my admission. “Okay. Well, now I know you’re not a suspect because you were hired after all this bullshit started. But Tamara has been here for a long time.”

“I get it, but you should back off,” he says to me.

“I want to but something inside of me doesn’t allow it. She’s got too much access to everything around here. Hell, she might be planning a coup to take over the business, kicking the boss and Charlotte to the curb,” I say with my arms out, and then I slap them down and hang my head.

Tamara’s leaning into the door frame. No doubt that she heard a good bit of the conversation between Ken and me.

She’s angry and hurt and it’s showing in the tears slipping from her eyes and the emeralds in her eyes suddenly become laser pointers, drilling hot searing beams into my skin. “Is that what you think, Jason?” she yells at me clenching teeth and balls her hands into fists. “Is that what you really think? That I’m a thief, a vandal, some piece of shit that just decides to manipulate money and equipment?”

“No, Tamara, I...” I’m cut off by her fist hitting a couple of boxes by the door, sending them scattering across the floor between us. She takes a step forward, tears still spilling from her eyes.

“You think I want to lead a coup?” she tosses some boxes directly at me. “If that’s what your dickhead brain things, then you can go fuck yourself!” Fuming, she turns and stomps down the hall.

“Oh God! What have I done?” I ask Ken, standing there dumbfounded.

“Why?” he asks, shaking his head. “Why would you persist?”

“I really don’t believe that she’s behind this shit,” I kick some of the boxes back to the door. “Damn it! Like always, I’m caught running my mouth!” I reach my hand through my hair and pull it. “I could kick myself.”

“Turn around and let me do that for you,” Ken shakes his head.

“How am I going to make this up to her?” I ask Ken.

“You definitely have some explaining to do.”

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic