Page 35 of Two Gushers

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“It might look like me, but that’s not me on that camera. I do have access to the money accounts, and the checks, but I’m not that stupid,” I take a breath to steady my nerves and to maintain composure. “Just because I’ve got access, doesn’t mean that I take advantage.”

The commissioner looks at the FBI agent. “I’ve known this woman my entire life. Her father and I were great friends when she was born,” he points to me. “This woman knows far more about oilfields and how to run them than any other man I know. I believe she is innocent.”

The FBI agent stares at him blankly. “I mean it, she’s not capable of dishonoring her father’s memory.” A tear slips down my cheek at the mention of my father. He and my daddy were the best of friends. Inseparable. I remember my fifth birthday when daddy rode in on a pony and the commissioner was right behind him on another one. They looked so funny because their feet were touching the ground.

“Alright, I will just note that,” he gets busy typing in more things, pulling me back into the present. Leaving all thoughts of daddy behind. I wish he was here now.

“Tamara,” the commissioner gets my attention. “Do you know who could be doing this?”

“I had a hunch the other day that maybe the boss was doing it, but I have nothing concrete,” I sigh and finish my thought. “I know the person on camera is much smaller than him, but maybe he has an accomplice?”

The commissioner nods his head and the agent types it on his laptop. “That’s all I need for today,” the agent closes his computer and stands. “Thank you for your cooperation, Ms. Daniels.”

Getting up and giving me a hug, the commissioner gives me another assurance. “Please don’t worry. I know you aren’t doing this. Just be safe, please?”

“I will and thanks,” I close the door behind them.

This is a crazy train, going off the rails.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic