Page 29 of Two CEO's For Her

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What could he possibly want from me?I wonder as we walk towards the Bistro on Fifth. He turns to me as we approach the small restaurant.

"Is there possibly something more you'd want from me?"

Shocked, I step back and look at him.

"What?" he replies, looking a bit caught off guard. "Was I too forward?"

We reach the line and I’m grateful for the interruption.

"How many?" the hostess asks.

"Two," says Mattheo without even one look at me.

I’m partially annoyed, but full of intrigue. I raise an eyebrow to him as she rustles us inside to a small table opposite a huge, ornate bar.

"Nice," he notices.

"It’s a comforting place for me during hectic work days and meetings."

A waitress introduces herself and I ask for a glass of Pinot Noir. She looks at him, and he asks for scotch and soda.

"So, what did you want to talk with me about that couldn't be discussed at my office?" I coyly ask.

"Well, in all honesty, I’m afraid to admit that I can't get you out of my mind."

"Pish-posh," I say, waving my hand at him disbelievingly.

The waitress returns with our drinks, and we order a light lunch, a salad for me and tuna for him.

Once she has our order, he speaks up again.

"No, I'm quite serious. Our first meeting sent me into high gear over you. And I'm not talking about your partnership with my company."

He looks positively enticing.

My heart begins racing and again, I denounce his interest.

"Seriously, you're lying. You honestly can't be interested in the likes of me?"

"Absolutely," he admits, taking a drink from his glass. "I wouldn't lie about a thing such as this."

I can't believe what he’s saying to me.Why me?I hope he isn't one of those guys that just says anything to get what he wants. Some guys are so unnerving.

But I can tell by his mannerisms and the look in his eyes.

I can feel the heat rise to my cheeks in embarrassment and I try to cover them with my hands, but it's too late, and he notices. He takes my hand as our food comes, but neither of us want to eat at the moment.

His eyes give away his consuming desire, and he looks as if he could eat me and leave scraps for tomorrow. It turns me on, and I try to control what happens between my legs.

"Look, I’m just going to lay it all out there. I’m attracted to you," he says, looking at me directly. “I think you’re absolutely stunning.”

He swallows hard, takes another drink, and goes on.

"From the first time I saw you enter that restaurant, to just now… you captivate me. You control every room you walk into and everyone knows it.”

I pick up my glass and suck down a couple of gulps of wine. Boy, that was what I needed. A shot of liquid courage.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic