Page 73 of Two Pilots for Her

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Since getting promoted to international flights, I’ve made friends with most of the flight attendants on the crew. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous when I started- leaving my old crew behind wasn’t easy for me.

Thankfully, they’re all a friendly bunch. Well, except for Kaitlyn- which is to be expected since she’s the daughter of the CEO of the airline we work for. She’s not flat out rude, she’s just a spoiled brat.

The other flight attendants steer clear of her. I try to get along with her, but most of the time she ignores me. Maybe it just takes time for her to be friendly to a new attendant, which I kind of get.

Regardless of the why, I try not to let her get to me. I don’t really have time for that what with my new relationship and all.

As I go around minding my own business, I notice that my airplane lunches are gone. I ask around and nobody knows anything about it. Then Kaitlyn makes a sarcastic comment and smirks at me.

I realize that she must be throwing away my lunches. What is the matter with this woman?

Towards the end of the flight, I’m working the drink’s cart, and Kaitlyn gives me a hard slam as she passes by. I spill coke all over my whole uniform blouse. It’s lucky that like all the other attendants, I travel with a couple of extra blouses in my flight tote.

I try giving her the benefit of the doubt- maybe it was an accident? But based on how catty she’s been towards me all day- that isn’t likely. And then there’s the fact that she didn’t even check to make sure I was okay.

Aside from the gasps of the passengers that saw what happened, no one really cares. Maureen comes to relieve me so that I can change my blouse and it’s then that I catch Kaitlyn smoking a cigarette in the crew area.

“What are you doing?”

Kaitlyn puts out her cigarette and lets out the smoke in my face. I cough and she laughs before mocking me with a small, fake cough.

With that, Kaitlyn leaves the crew area. I sit down and breathe some fresh air. Why is this bitch being so mean to me today? I mean, she’s never pleasant- but today is noticeably worse, and I’m already over it.

I change my blouse and brush my hair. Smelling like smoke and wishing that I could take a shower, I look for something in my bag that can help the situation. There is a bottle of dry shampoo in my bag, so I uncap the bottle and apply it swiftly to my hair.

It takes me a while, but I get the smoke out of my hair. The smoke smell is so awful, and Kaitlyn isn’t even supposed to be smoking in here. If the head flight attendant finds out, she could get fired.

What am I saying, she is the CEO’s daughter- nothing will happen to her. This is why she gets away with being such a bitch. What I don’t understand is why she’s being so terrible to me.

The next eight hours of the flight, the passengers are sleeping. I do my night chores and then go to the crew area to sit down. We’re allowed to take turns sleeping but it isn’t my turn yet.

I guess it’s time to do some reading. There are a couple of fan magazines in my tote, so I go to grab it from the overhead, and it’s gone. Did I forget to put it away after I changed my blouse?

Looking everywhere, I can’t find my tote. I’m so exhausted; I sit down to rest. So much time has passed, and it’s my turn to sleep. Without worrying about my tote, I close my eyes and quickly fall into a light sleep.

It feels like only fifteen minutes have passed when the head flight attendant wakes me up. It’s been an hour and it is her turn to sleep. I apologize that she has to wake me, but I don’t have my watch as I left it in my tote when I was changing.

The coffee urn is in the galley, so I go there for a cup of coffee to wake me up. My Stevia and special almond milk cream packets are in my tote. I’m going to have to drink this coffee black.

I’m beginning to get really annoyed at the person who hid my tote. Maybe it’s the boys playing a trick on me. I knock on the cockpit door and Dylan opens it.

“Hey Hazel, what’s going on?”

“I’m just checking to see if you guys took my fight tote?”

“Nope, we haven’t had time for practical jokes. But that’s a good one. Maybe on the next flight.”

Dylan laughs and I kiss him on the cheek.

“Thanks Dylan. I won’t keep you.”

“You, okay?”

“I’m just a little frustrated.”

“Sorry to hear that Hazel. After this flight, I’m going to make it all better,” he winks.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic