Page 6 of Two Pilots for Her

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Andrew sips his drink and waves a hand at me before he speaks.

“We’ll take turns as usual. Two at once can be intimidating. It’s hard to know what will send this one over the edge.”

“I’m thinking it’ll be my cock.”

I shoot back the rest of my whiskey and button up my blazer.

I shoot Andrew a finger gun, and he rolls his eyes.

I walk over to Hazel, not attempting to hide my interest for her in the slightest. She is talking to a few friends- a few I recognize from previous flights. Two of them very obviously swoon as I plant myself down.

“Who doesn’t love Paris, right ladies?”

The two other women giggle in agreement. Hazel is sucking on a straw while running her fingers through her hair. She gives no response.

I give her a nod.

“What are you drinking there?”

“Long Island.”

She maintains eye contact, which is a good sign.

“Are you looking for another anytime soon?”

She looks at her glass, which is half empty.

“Probably eventually, but I’m good right now, thanks.”

I lean forward, giving Hazel all of my attention.

“So how long have you been working at the airline? I definitely would have remembered you.”

The girls take this as a cue to leave. It is now only the two of us. I shift seats to get right beside her.

“A few years now,” she responds.

“You like it?”

She looks me deep in the eyes.

“It has its perks, as well as challenges. Irritants, you know, the usual.”

“Is there any way I can help with that?”

She shrugs but keeps a smile on her face.

“Perhaps at some point.”

She stands up from her seat and makes her way to the bar.

“It might be time to switch to water for me.”

She walks away, her voluptuous ass bouncing with each step.

“Game on,” I whisper to myself.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic