Page 19 of Two Pilots for Her

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The staircase to my apartment always gets the best of me. As usual, I’m hauling up my large suitcase on rollers and it’s bang, bang, bang, as I go up the stairs. If only I had a downstairs apartment… or you know, an elevator.

On my last stair step, I almost trip, but I catch myself just in time. ‘Crack,’ I hear my heel snap off of my favorite pair of pumps. This is turning out to be a wonderful day. I roll my eyes.

Unlocking the door, I am so relieved to be home. Putting down my suitcase and taking off my shoes makes everything feel better. I lock the door behind me, and head straight to my sofa. It’s time to relax and call my best friend.

After a couple of rings, Ashley picks up.

“Hi doll, how was your flight?” Ashley asks.

“It was great. You won’t believe what happened to me!”

“Let me guess- does it involve a man?”

“Not one man… but two!”

Ashley and I squeal together. This is a big deal for us.

“Tell me everything,” she insists.

“I managed to sleep with both pilots on my trip. They are both rich and hot as fuck.”

“How rich?”

“Millionaire status, I think.”

“You think?”

“I know. I’ve seen them dressed. And they fly the long haul flights where you just rack up money. You can tell they’re loaded with how they walk and talk.”

We both giggle into the phone.

“How was it?”

“Oh my god, the sex was hot. But it’s more than that Ashley. Both men are so sweet and kind deep down. They exude sex but I can tell they are good guys. They’re not just any old pricks.”

“Well, I’m happy for you Hazel. It couldn’t happen to a better gal.”

“Gal? What is this, the nineteen-fifties?”

“You better be thankful it isn’t the fifties- we would all be stoning you with rocks for sleeping with two men.”

We laugh some more and then hang up. Ashley never judges me and for this I am grateful. Two men at the same time is kind of bizarre and slutty but it was all amazing. I’m glad I did this.

I go to my bedroom and change clothes. Getting into my oldest t-shirt and sweatpants, I’m thankful that no one will be here to see me. I put my hair into a ponytail and I’m officially home.

What do I do with myself for now? I could cook, but I’m more in the mood for pizza. I call to order a pizza with ham and pineapple and I’m good to go.

My suitcase has my laptop, so I unpack it and sit at my table. There is something I want to do on social media. I’d like to find out more about Dylan and Andrew.

With a little searching through Google, I am able to find both of them. Boy do they have a lot of friends. Looks like they are quite diverse in the friends they choose, too. There are all kinds of nationalities and genders.

It’s a little disappointing to me that most of their friends are women. These guys knowa lotof beautiful women. They are also involved in a lot of activities that I could never afford.

Despite all of this, they have some pretty funny memes on their Facebook page. I can’t help laughing. Also, they have all these sweet pictures of kids who they work with as volunteers.

Shutting down my laptop, I realize that I am really starting to like these guys. Maybe it’s not such a good thing that I’m stalking them on social media. Finding out that they are such good guys just makes me fall for them even more.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic