Page 18 of Two Pilots for Her

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It opens up my mind to long-term possibilities I never really considered before.

Although that doesn’t mean she feels the same way. See, I’m usually a pretty confident guy. I don’t usually wonder how a girl feels about me. If she likes me, great. If not- I have a million other girls to choose from.

However, I desperately want to know what Hazel thinks about me.

Obviously, she probably finds me attractive. But does she find me smart? Funny? Did she think I was good in bed? Was I better than Andrew? Has she done stuff like this a lot?

What would it be like to be in a relationship with her? What would Andrew think about us getting into a relationship?


He’s my best friend, and I usually don’t have a hard time talking to him about chicks. I can’t help but feel a bit awkward about the situation though.

I need to at least discuss it with him. We can go get a beer in LA, and I’ll make a joke about taking Hazel out on a date to gauge his reaction. I hope he doesn’t like her, too.

What if Hazel likes Andrew more than me?

After stressing over it all for a bit longer, I finally tell myself to relax. This is pointless.

I just need to let events unfold as they will. If Hazel likes me- we can move forward from there, simple as that.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic