Page 38 of Savage Elites

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Sometimes in life, you have to just jump off the ledge.

Forget all rational thought.

Forget your own fears and trepidations.

Forget how wrong something may be, and just focus on how right it feels in the moment.

I’m being wild and reckless as I tip-toe down my stairs and then holding my breath, open the back door to my house. Slipping out into the cool, night air I race across the yard until I reach the street. I’ve never snuck out of my house before and until today, I had never skipped school, either. Ason’s car is parked only a few feet away and as I approach, my body tingles with excitement.

“Hey,” a voice hisses to my right.

I stop moving, almost stumbling over my own two feet at the sound.

Ason is standing against his sleek car, arms crossed over his massive chest, and a Cheshire smile lighting the darkness around him.

Folding my arms across my chest, I stare back at him. “You are crazy, you know that, right?” I ask, a slight laughter to my voice.

Reaching out, Ason pulls me forward and I fall against his chest. We are so close now that I can feel his warm breath against my cheek. “I’m pretty crazy about you,” he breathes.

At any other moment, I would have found that line completely ridiculous and made fun of it, but with Ason, there’s something so genuine about him, that all I can do is melt.

“That’s pretty cheesy,” I smirk.

Ason lets his head fall back as he laughs. There’s a light in his eyes tonight that makes him look almost happy.

“So, what are you really doing here?” I ask, my hands still on his rock-hard chest. His heart beats under my fingers and I internally count the beats.

“Honestly, I don’t know. I just really wanted to see you. Sorry it’s so late, I had a family dinner that I couldn’t miss,” he says, though there is a hint of frustration ringing in his voice.

I’ve noticed that his family is a touchy subject. I wonder what is going on there, but I don’t dare spoil this moment and ask.

“Shouldn’t you be at some party?” I ask.

I don’t know why I’m pushing. Why I am struggling to believe that he’s really here. We had sex earlier, but this is hard to believe?

Shaking his head, Ason’s intense gaze renders me helpless. “There is nowhere else I would rather be right now, then right here,” he says, snaking his arm around my waist and puling me in for a kiss. “With you. I need you again.”

We start out slow and sweet, but then as the kiss deepens, we move to needy and desire fueled. My hands go to his hair and his remain locked on my waist. He’s holding me so tightly, as though he fears I may slip away. His tongue parts my lips and I gladly accept the intrusion. My body heats to inferno levels and I swear, I hope this moment never ends. I have no idea what I’m doing, but for the first time in my life, I am throwing caution to the wind and just enjoying the moment. We slip into the back seat of his car and he fucks me two more times that night.

By Monday morning, I was in an Ason filled haze.

We spent most of Sunday texting one another and I couldn’t get our late-night rendezvous out of my head. Now, as I walk into school, I feel a different mood in the atmosphere. I walk down the halls with a slight smile on my face. Maybe it’s the fact that I have a secret that no one knows, or that for the first time in my life I feel happy and content. Either way, I feel like a new person.

“Wow, someone is in a good mood!” Macy says, as she sidles up next to me.

We walk over to the coffee cart stationed outside of the front office. It still seems crazy to me that we have such luxuries at our school.

I pretend to study the menu, even though I know it by heart. “What? I can’t have a good day?” I ask.

Shaking her head, Macy narrows her eyes at me. “I wonder if it has anything to do with a certain boy,” she teases. Her eyes sparkle with delight knowing my secret.

“Shhh,” I reprimand her. “I have no idea what we are, so I don’t want to say anything about it. I just feel different today,” I explain.

“Well, I think it’s great either way. You deserve to be happy,” she tells me.

We both order French vanilla Capuchinos and then make our way to our lockers. Allowing the caffeine and sugar to blend with my own euphoria only causes my mood to become more cheerful. I gather my things at my locker and then as I turn to head toward my homeroom, Macy stops me and glances around before lowering her voice.

Tags: M.A. Lee Romance