Page 37 of Savage Elites

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“Hi,” I reply.

I stare up at the ceiling, watching as the shadows from the window dance above me. The glow of the silver moon illuminates the world outside and it’s almost magical to look at.

“What are you doing?” he asks, nonchalantly.

“Well, I was getting ready to go to bed,” I tell him. “You know, it’s pretty late.”

Ason chuckles and the sound makes me smile. “I didn’t realize you had a bed time,” he jokes.

Even though his slight is meant in fun, it reminds me of just how different we really are. I’m the girl who goes to bed early because I don’t have plans. It’s a Friday night and I’m tucked away in bed. Ason is probably out at some wild party and laughing at how lame I am.

“When you don’t have any other plans...” my words trail off. Closing my eyes, I internally cringe at how dumb I sound. Why do I have word vomit right now? Can’t I think of anything sexy or clever to say?

Nope, definitely not.

“How about we change that?” Ason says, a slight rise in his voice.

“What are you talking about?” I ask, sitting up in bed.

“Go to your window,” he huffs out.

Before I know what I am doing, I throw the blankets off my body and jump out of bed. Padding over to my window, I glance out into the dark night. Suddenly, a figure moves out of the shadows and stands near a light shining from the house.


My heart quickens at the sight of him. Tall, dark, and brooding, he stands under the yellow light, a wicked smile covering his perfectly chiseled face. I swear, he looks like he was hand made by the Gods for humans to admire. What in the hell is he doing here?

“What are you doing here?” I hiss out.

I try not to squeal. What would my parents think if they knew there was a boy outside of my bedroom window. And, not just any boy.

Ason Antoni.

The son of a Savannah mob boss.

The Elite.

They probably wouldn’t even believe it, even if they saw it for themselves.

“I came here to see you. Come outside,” Ason states.

It’s not a question or an offer. No, this is a demand.

Just like earlier today, when he offered to take me out of school, it wasn’t really a question. He was making a demand and I didn’t even bat an eye. With Ason, he has this hold over me that makes me forget all senses and right and wrong blend together.

“This is insane, Ason. It’s late at night,” I try to argue, but I think we both know it's of no use.

“I will be waiting in my car,” Ason says, and then hangs up the phone.

I watch as he turns and his figure slowly fades into the darkness once again.

Tags: M.A. Lee Romance