Page 33 of Savage Elites

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How could I not notice her? While the other girls loudly flaunted their bodies and wealth, Scarlette had an unspoken beauty that called to my soul. She was everything those other girls were not. And more.

“Scarlette, I’ve noticed you forever. I know it’s wrong for a guy like me to want you...”

“What does that mean, a guy like you? Do you think you are better than me?” she asks, her eyes starting to fill with tears.

Shaking my head, I grab her hand. She tries to pull away, my grip is strong and she can’t wiggle out of my hold. Her eyes grow large as she watches me with glistening eyes.

“It’s not like that at all. If anything, I think you are too good for me. Scarlette, you are sweet, smart, and beautiful. I am part of a world filled with corruption. I’ve never wanted to hurt you, that’s why I kept my distance. However, I don’t think I can do it any longer. It’s so wrong for me to want you the way I do, but I can’t help myself,” I tell her.

I’ve never been vulnerable in my life. I’ve also never been so honest with another person before. I don’t think I’ve ever been honest with myself, either. Scarlette brings out something in me that I just can’t explain, but I want to explore it more.

“Ason, you are popular and everyone wants to have you or be you. Why would you want a girl like me? I’m nothing compared to you,” she says, her head falling.

I can’t stop myself. Scarlette needs to see her worth and I will ensure every day that she knows just how amazing she is. I told her the other night to stop saying she was a nobody, I guess I just had to prove to her that she was more than special. She is amazing. Placing my hand on her chin, I force her to look up. She should never hang her head. As our eyes meet, I crash my mouth against her soft lips in a kiss that ignites a raging fire in my heart and soul. She gladly accepts the kiss, slightly opening her mouth so that my tongue can explore. Her hands move to my chest and mine cup her face. Our kiss is filled with want and need and a passion so strong, it consumes my entire being.

When she finally pulls away, we are both panting and our breathing is ragged.

“I’m a selfish prick,” I tell her. “I want you, but I shouldn’t. You are too good for a guy like me.”

“Why don’t you let me make that decision,” she says, breathlessly.

Those words spark a fire inside of me and I can no longer deny how I feel. “I’ve been watching you for years. Longing to touch you. To taste you. Always looking from afar as I kept my distance. Not ever wanting to put you in harm's way. But now that I know you, I can’t stay away from you any longer,” I confess. “I need you to be mine.”

To my surprise and delight, Scarlette beams at me before kissing me again. I know that I should probably slow down since my mom and our staff are here at the house, but nothing can stop me from having Scarlette right now.

“I want to be yours,” she speaks.

And, for the first time in my life, I feel like I can breathe.

Tags: M.A. Lee Romance