Page 25 of Savage Elites

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“I wish I could just do nothing on the weekends,” Ason states flatly. “I was at the river front doing with one of my uncles,” he says suspiciously. But I don’t press that matter. “Doing nothing sounds great.”

“Yeah, I’m sure,” I mock, rolling my eyes.

He’s obviously making fun of me or trying to pity me. I must sound like such a freak to him.

“No, I’m serious,” Ason says, he places the cookie on the counter and looks at me sincerely. “It must be nice to just relax”

The longing in his voice makes me almost feel sorry for him. There’s a sadness in his eyes that makes me want to reach out and hug him, but thankfully, I don’t.

“It is, but...” I go to say something, but then stop myself.

I’m not sure why I feel compelled to tell him anything about myself or honest feelings. For a moment, Ason almost appears as a regular guy. Our conversation feels light and easy, but I quickly remind myself that Ason is an Elite. The son of a mafia mob boss and a very powerful guy. He’s not my friend.

“What?” he asks, narrowing his gaze on me.

Shaking my head, I wave my hand in the air, dismissing the idea. “Nothing, it’s silly.”

“No, say what you were going to say. This is one of the first conversations I’ve had in a long time that hasn’t made me want to scream or punch someone,” he states.

That causes me to giggle. I imagine Ason and the rest of the rowdy Elites sitting around and talking. I’m sure their conversations are as wild as their reputations.

“Well, I was just going to say that it is nice to have the house all to myself, but sometimes I wish that it wasn’t so lonely,” I admit.

Heat creeps to my cheeks as I blush. I have no idea what it is about Ason right now, but something about the way he is looking at me is causing me to become flustered. Honesty is pouring out of me in waves and I can’t stop the explosion.

“That’s funny, because I would love to be alone. I feel like I am always surrounded by people,” Ason tells me. His eyes grow large, as though he didn’t expect to say those words to me. It’s funny how two opposite strangers are having a heart-to-heart conversation right now. “Wow, this just got deep,” he chuckles.

“Yeah, it must be the cookies,” I laugh.

We stand there for a few more minutes before his phone buzzes from his pocket. Sighing, Ason almost looks angry by the interruption. I’m sure that I was just imagining that. I’m sure he would rather be anywhere else but here with me. Pulling out his phone, Ason rolls his eyes as he glances down at his phone. Running a hand roughly through his hair, he quickly types out a response then shoves the phone back inside his pocket.

“I have to leave, but this was...nice,” he finishes.

“Yeah. I’m sorry that I kept you so long,” I instantly start apologizing.

“It was nice.” Ason turns to leave and I follow him to the front door.

He turns and I bump into his hard chest. The urge to run my hands along his perfectly sculpted abs overwhelms me. Ason meets my stare and he tenses. Cupping my face with his hands, he leans in and places a soft kiss to my lips. The movement is a surprise and I am so startled it takes me a moment to respond. His tongue runs along my bottom lip before entering my mouth. He tastes like a mixture of mint and smoke and strangely enough, the taste is intoxicating. After a few more seconds, the kiss softens and we both give in. My body relaxes and I hear Ason release a slight sigh. His other hand slides up my side and caresses my sensitive skin. I feel myself growing wet and this is a new sensation for me. No guy has ever made me feel this way before.

When he tears his mouth away from me, I feel a yearning to pull him back to me.

“I should leave, but I can’t,” he growls out.

Hesitating, my mind is racing and I am not sure what to do. We are alone in my house and my body is craving for more of his touch. His hand on my waist reminds me that I’ve never been touched like this before. Damn, I am so pathetic. Ason must be so experienced with other girls. What if I am a bad kisser? Or, I don’t know what to do to please him? Sensing my unease, Ason begins to rub my back gently.

“It’s ok if you don’t want this. I just...had to try, at least once. I had to taste and feel you at least once,” he says.

There is something about the way his words ignite my soul that has me lusting for more of him. He wants to taste and feel me? How long has he thought about this? The problem with this is that Ason and I come from very different worlds. One where he is important and one where I am—not.

I stare up at him, unsure of what to do. “I’m just a nobody,” I say.

Anger flares across his face and I try to step back, but Ason stops me. Pulling me to him, he stuns me with another kiss. However, this kiss isn’t soft and sweet. No, this one is hungry and needy and tells me that he wants me. “Don’t you ever say that you are a nobody again,” he says into my mouth.

Unable to speak, I kiss him back, thrusting my hands into his wild hair. For a moment, we are nothing but hands and kisses and this is the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me. His phone chimes and he let out a frustrated sigh. Releasing me, he huffs as he looks conflicted.

“I have to go, but I want to do this again,” he says, and I know he means more than just hanging out and eating sweets.

“I want to do it again, too,” I say, breathlessly.

Opening the door, he walks outside and I notice the sun is fading over the horizon. The sky is painted with reds and purples and I take a second to admire the scene.

Ason walks to his car and as he opens the car door, he stops and a strange expression crosses his features. He almost looks torn. I stand in the doorway, watching him. Offering a slight wave, I go to close the door as he slides into the driver's seat. The roar of his engine rocks me to my core. He speeds down the road and I can’t stop staring until his taillights fade and only silence is left behind.

Slamming the front door closed, I lean against the large frame and exhale a deep breath. Ason Antoni was just in my house. Talking to me like we were old friends. An Elite, sitting with me. Kissing me and blowing my mind with revelations that I still am not sure are true or not. It was so absurd; it was almost surreal. What in the hell just happened?

Tags: M.A. Lee Romance