Page 24 of Savage Elites

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Closing my eyes, I counted to ten inside of my head as I willed myself to calm down. Suddenly, a bang on the front door startled me. I knew it was probably Macy and I wasn’t in the mood to deal with her theatrics right now. Deciding to ignore the knock, I pushed myself off the couch and decided to just go upstairs. As I walked toward the spiral staircase, the knocking on the front door grew louder and more intense.

Huffing, I went to the front door and as I pulled the door open, I was shocked when standing on my front porch was Ason Antoni and not Macy.

He looked out of place standing on my stoop. His intense glare only petrified me more. I went to slam the door in his face, but he put his foot out, blocking me from shutting the door.

“Wait, you forgot something,” he said, handing me the pink box I had dropped back at the river front.

My anger quieted for a brief moment as I stared down at the box in his hands. Taking the box, I offered a slight smile.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

Nodding, Ason shoved his hands in his perfectly ironed khaki pants. “I wanted to also say that I am sorry if I scared you,” he said, shocking me even more. “When you started to talk, I thought you were going to bring up some rumor or something. Everyone outside of my group of friends gossips about me. I thought you might do the same and think I was doing something...” He stops, shaking his head. “It doesn’t matter what. I just need to watch how I react.”

My eyes bulged as I leaned in closer to make sure I had heard him correctly.

“It’s ok.” I feel a ball of nervous energy transpire between us. “I yelled back at you and then ran off like a crazy person,” I say, trying to lighten the mood.

Ason’s flashy car sits in my driveway and I glance around to see if any of the neighbor's notice. Thankfully, no one seems to be outside right now.

“Yeah, well, I’m still sorry,” he grumbles out. “So, what’s in the box?” he asks, as I awkwardly hold the box in my hands.

“It’s an arrangement of sweets from Dodds Bakery,” I tell him.

“Oh, I have always wondered what they have in there,” he says, shrugging his shoulders.

“You've never had one of their chocolate chunk cookies? Or, their award-winning cupcakes?” I practically yell out.

That elicits a laugh from Ason. His eyes almost sparkle as a smile forms over his lips. “Nah, I’m not really into sweets. They smell good, though,” he finishes, nodding his head toward the box.

“Why don’t you come in and try something. I mean, you came all the way to my house to apologize and bring me back the box I dropped,” I offer.

I don’t bother mentioning the fact that he yelled at me, once again, in public. That seems irrelevant right now.

“Are you sure?” he asks. I can see the hesitation on his face.

“Yeah, why not? I’m your tutor and the least I can do right now is give you one of Dodd’s amazing treats since you are basically being punished to do school work with me for an hour a week,” I laugh.

“It’s not a punishment,” he says so low, I barely hear him.

I turn and move out of the doorway and Ason steps inside of my house. I feel the energy in the foyer shift by his presence alone. Other than Macy, no one from my school has ever stepped foot inside of my house before. Especially, not an Elite.

Closing the door behind me, we begin walking down the hallway toward the kitchen. I place the pink box on the white marble counter and slowly remove the lid. Inside, all of my delicious treats are calling to me. Ason stands a few feet away from me, watching me with a fierce look.

I pull out two of the massive chocolate chunk cookies. Handing one to Ason, he accepts the gift.

Taking a bite, I close my eyes and allow the sweet chocolate and buttery goodness of the soft cookie to please my taste buds.

Ason takes a small bite and then I hear him moan. “Wow, this really is good,” he acknowledges.

“I told you. These are my favorites. I went and got an entire box to last me the entire weekend,” I let slip. Cringing, I hate that I just told him that.

Man, Ason is going to think that I am a complete loser now. Who buys a box of cookies and cupcakes to enjoy all weekend? A girl with no social life, that’s who. Ason takes another bite and then swallows. Watching him eat the cookie is almost a turn on. I never thought something so simple could be so hot.

“You were right. So, am I keeping you from something?” he asks, glancing around the empty room.

Shaking my head, I feel that twinge of pain again. “No. My parents are gone again for the weekend and Macy is at a party. You are looking at my weekend plans,” I say, pointing to the baked goods.

I don’t dare to look at him, so I keep my eyes trained on the remainder of the cookie in my hand.

Tags: M.A. Lee Romance