Page 174 of Shards of You and Me

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After thirteen days in hospital, I’m finally deemed well enough to go home. Bridget picks me up and even takes a few days off work until she’s sure I can manage on my own.

‘I’m more than fine,’ I assure her on day three. ‘Go.’

I spend the rest of the week doing small amounts of work and taking plenty of short walks, slowly regaining some strength while giving my rib a chance to heal. In the evenings, I cook dinner so Bridget doesn’t have to. We eat on the terrace, sipping frosty beer from tacky stubby holders.

Hunter calls me every single day to check on my progress and update me on what’s happening at the farm. Then he calls me with the best news of all.

‘Pete phoned. Their farmhand’s moving back to Toowoomba. He’s offered me my old job back.’

I’m so ridiculously happy for him. I know how much he loved that job and that family—and they loved him right back. There’s no one more deserving of this second chance.

It all feels too easy. I keep waiting for something to go wrong, for Kevin to start drinking, or Sammy to walk out, or Hunter to realise he doesn’t love me after all.

‘You sure your dad’s okay with you leaving?’ I ask.

‘Don’t,’ Hunter says. ‘We’re done with guilt, remember?’

I smile into the phone. ‘Then I guess I’ll see you in a few weeks.’

‘Love you.’

My heart can barely hold this amount of joy. ‘Love you too.’

Two weeks later, I get the phone call I’ve been anxiously awaiting ever since Hunter confirmed the date. He calls me early morning to tell me he’s at the Leroys’ farm and could Bridget please drive me over there.

She agrees because she doesn’t want me driving.

Forty minutes later, we pull off the main road onto a dirt one. Cattle are gathered beneath tall gums in the paddocks on either side. At the end of the long drive, we spot a large brick home. Hunter’s ute is parked in front of the bungalow located a hundred metres from the house. He wanders out when he hears us pull up, and I can’t stop the smile that takes over my face. I’m out of the car and running towards him before Bridget’s even turned the engine off. He’s grinning now. He’s happy, and I’m the reason.

‘Slow down,’ he says right before I fling myself at him.

He catches me with an ‘Oof’, then laughs. ‘You trying to refracture your rib?’ His arms tighten around me. ‘Hi.’

I bury my face in his neck, his scent, his familiarity. This moment has been a long time coming.

A car door closes behind me, and a moment later Bridget calls, ‘Right. Well, I think I’ll head off, then.’

Hunter lowers me to the ground and takes hold of my hand. ‘I wouldn’t go just yet.’

‘If you’re wanting a long cuddle from me, you might be disappointed,’ she replies, leaning against the car.

A high-pitched whinny rings out around us. The sound has Bridget straightening and looking around and the hairs on my arms standing on end. It’s impossibly familiar.

Hunter gestures to a paddock beyond the trees. ‘Like I said, I wouldn’t go just yet.’

I’m not sure if Bridget hears him, because she’s already walking off in the direction he pointed.

‘What’s going on?’ I say, looking up at him.

He tugs me along with him. ‘You’re going to want to see this.’

We trail Bridget through the trees to the fence on the other side. She stops suddenly, both hands going over her mouth. I follow her line of sight to where a tall thoroughbred stands, head hanging over the fence and ears pricked in our direction.

It’s Charlie. One piece of my sister’s heart, her horse soul mate. He still knows her. He recognised her voice the second she spoke. And as if to prove my point, he whinnies again upon seeing her.

I watch as Bridget rushes towards her ‘heart horse’, ducking beneath the fence post and taking hold of the gelding’s face. He smells her while she stands there crying. Of course, I start crying too, because there’s no one more deserving of a horse’s loyalty and love.

Tags: Tanya Bird Romance